There is actually scientific evidence of a great flood happening in the European-Mediterranean region, it wasn't the whole world but to the people living back then it must have been easy to assume it was the whole world
In case you were wondering "how come it's so small?", the root system is 9,550 years old, the trees that sprout from it "only" lasts 650 years before it falls over and grows another.
The bible story was made to teach a lesson. It wasn't real,and the person who made it knew that. I went to a Catholic school till eight grade,and we were taught it never happened
I was mocking a religious fanatic and you assume I'm religious. I'm sorry but are you completely stupid? Just...just look up Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate and you'll know what I meant and maybe you'll even stop being so ignorant.
By the way you make yourself look even more stupid when you answer your own question in the same comment. Do you need to prove it to yourself when you're unable to prove it to me, or what?
Guest no. 2, I'm not sure whether you're with me or against me in this, but thank you for not being so butthurt as the first guest.
Since when did Funsubstance be come "atheistsubstance". I've seen that since the big debate people on this site have posted photos and comments shaming religions. I don't mind everyone having an opinion, and like atheists, Christians, Muslims , Jews and other religious people are entitled to theirs. Personally as a Christian I don't feel a part of this community thanks to posts like this. You may not understand it, but don't shame others because of that. And I will not show ignorance to homosexuals, atheists and people of other religions. This is a guest post because I haven't logged on yet, but this is rabidseahorses, dislike my comment all you would like.
As an atheist I agree and disagree. We should all be represented and I in no way think that all religious people are evil or "jerks" and there are bad representations who just have a loud obnoxious voice. However, if you don't like the atheist posts you should just scroll past it. If I see posts about god I just move on past, not bothering to challenge it because it is what someone else believes in and I respect that.
Not every one takes the bible literally. Some believe that the great flood was just a metaphor. So fuck you for trying to prove the bible wrong. We believe what we want to believe!
I am not trying to insult you by any means with this link but I just wanted people to know what evidence there is for creationists who don't take the Bible as a metaphor.
This post reminded me of a article I read earlier, I am not sure what you will make of it but it should be worth the read and will give us stuff to think about. Thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
· 11 years ago
i mean, i believe in religion, but i just don't AGREE with it...ya know? like the inner atheism is pushing out.
According to my sources (Wikipedia), the age of the actual tree is only a few hundred years old, but by carbon dating, the roots of the tree are about 9,550 years old. Maybe the whole tree didn't survive and flood, but the roots did?
ssshhhh, you are poking holes in the almighty atheist arguments against religion. That can't be allowed because atheists are super smart and know everything and thus nothing they say could possibly be wrong. Of course that tree (which its not even the tree thats so old, just the roots) couldn't have survived a flood. And of course theres not scientific proof that there WAS a massive flood in much of Europe/Asia. And of course those people living during that time wouldn't have the gall to believe it could possibly be a world wide flood.
The roots would need to have some way to grow. A flood of that scale would have drowned the roots or just completely killed it because it had no way to receive energy from the sun.
Look, we aren't trying to be all condescending and pretend we know everything, so I don't appreciate the sarcasm. It's like me saying all religious people are condescending douchebags who are all homophobes. While it does apply to some, it doesn't apply to all. We believe in science so that is what we will present you with. You believe in a creator and that is what you will present us with. No matter what we will clash heads. Why can't we just respect each other as people and not what we believe in?
We don't have to clash heads. We just do because it's easier to do that than it is to live with ambiguity. It's a psychological defense that pretty much everyone is guilty of, sadly. I think we can learn to find a lot of meaning in uncertainty, we just have to be willing to let go of some things.
How can you ask someone to be flax about what they believe in? That's the point of freedom of religion and free speech. If you want middle ground between science and religion there's always Scientology. And no one wants that.
If we learned to "let go of things" instead of having strong opinions, slavery and segregation would still exist in the US. As Alexander Hamilton said "He who stands for nothing will fall for anything."
I'm not saying we should be total pushovers who believe nothing, just that we should be humble enough to admit that we don't know everything, and that there's a lot we can learn even from the people we disagree with.
Besides, you can have strong opinions and still not clash heads if you're honest enough to give the other side their due credit. You don't have to agree - just don't lie to yourself and say they are evil or stupid.
I never said they were evil or stupid so don't put words in my mouth.
Look, our opinions are drastically different. One side believes in a god like force and the other in science. There really is no middle ground. I for one am not willing to give up my ideas because someone on the internet told me to. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't treat others who don't believe in I do with respect. Maybe our opinions about the world don't coincide, but as long as we respect each other that shouldn't matter.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, I was just referring to general tendencies if people in general. Not you specifically.
That's fine, if you don't want there to be middle ground, you can keep the battle lines formed. But in my experience, this "middle ground" not only exists, but is a pretty cool place to hang out.
no irony intended
By the way you make yourself look even more stupid when you answer your own question in the same comment. Do you need to prove it to yourself when you're unable to prove it to me, or what?
Guest no. 2, I'm not sure whether you're with me or against me in this, but thank you for not being so butthurt as the first guest.
i agree with the religious posts...
really? might as well start a jihad for christianity
I am not trying to insult you by any means with this link but I just wanted people to know what evidence there is for creationists who don't take the Bible as a metaphor.
This post reminded me of a article I read earlier, I am not sure what you will make of it but it should be worth the read and will give us stuff to think about. Thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Is there good reason to believe there is no way this tree could have survived the flood?
Look, we aren't trying to be all condescending and pretend we know everything, so I don't appreciate the sarcasm. It's like me saying all religious people are condescending douchebags who are all homophobes. While it does apply to some, it doesn't apply to all. We believe in science so that is what we will present you with. You believe in a creator and that is what you will present us with. No matter what we will clash heads. Why can't we just respect each other as people and not what we believe in?
If we learned to "let go of things" instead of having strong opinions, slavery and segregation would still exist in the US. As Alexander Hamilton said "He who stands for nothing will fall for anything."
Besides, you can have strong opinions and still not clash heads if you're honest enough to give the other side their due credit. You don't have to agree - just don't lie to yourself and say they are evil or stupid.
Look, our opinions are drastically different. One side believes in a god like force and the other in science. There really is no middle ground. I for one am not willing to give up my ideas because someone on the internet told me to. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't treat others who don't believe in I do with respect. Maybe our opinions about the world don't coincide, but as long as we respect each other that shouldn't matter.
That's fine, if you don't want there to be middle ground, you can keep the battle lines formed. But in my experience, this "middle ground" not only exists, but is a pretty cool place to hang out.