America regards the toy inside to be a dangerous choking hazard for children. Also, the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 prohibits non-edible things to be encased within edible things (originally this Act was designed to stop the inclusion of hazardous materials; the rules have just never been changed) *EDIT: Sorry, too slow with my reply ;)
Anyone in the US who has been convicted of a violent crime or felony can not legally buy or posses a firearm.
So the bad guys go and buy a gun from a corrupt firearms dealer, an illegal firearm dealer, or seal it from a person who got it through legal means.
Just because something is illegal does not mean it will stop people. (that is why we have 'criminals'.)
· 11 years ago
But he firearms dealer wouldn't be able to corruptly supply guns if he didn't sell them legally; an illegal firearms dealer would find his products much more difficult to get a hold of if guns were illegal; a theft from a legal owner is only possible through a gun being owned already, albeit legally. Remove the legal sale of guns and gun ownership - and therefore firearm-related injuries - would dramatically decrease.
Yep - and 2 more across the whole world. These children died AFTER eating the food, only when they were playing with the toy later on. Lots of toys and items for children have small parts/are so small that they can cause choking and, at the extreme, death; if we removed them all, there would be very few toys left at all.
You are all ridiculous. Its even in the constitution. We have the right to bear arms. I know Obama's defied the constitution plenty, but its illegal and he cant get our 2nd amendment
we shoot for fun, like clay, and bottles, it doesn't hurt anyone. should we have to get rid of ours? Also, some of the food you eat, you can give thanks to guns.
"easy" to get a hold of, yet you have to submit more information about yourself to get one (legally) than you do to get just about anything else in your life. Getting a loan for that million dollar house? no prob. Buying a any sort of car (which by the way has TONS more deaths than firearms) sure here ya go. Buying a gun? here let me have your life details first, and god help you if you make a single mistake on this paper.
We DO have guns in Canada, its just they have to be less then 38" barrel, and basically Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Grenades/Explosives are Illegal. Handguns require an extra lincense. A regular gun license here only limits you to 1-2 HUNTING rifles. Oh, and Americans? YOU DON'T NEED GUNS FOR SELF DEFENSE. YOU HAVE A GODDAMN MILITARY. MILITARYS ARE USED TO DEFEND COUNTRYS. SEE WHAT I'M SAYING??
Well apparently when our forefathers were coming up with the rules for our nation, they figured it would be a dam good idea if we DID NEED GUNS FOR SELF DEFENSE. THATS WHY THEY PUT IT IN THE CONSTITUTION. CAPS REALLY EMPHASIZES MY POINT RIGHT?
But... Why are guns legal?
(Sorry I don't too much about this kind of things)
The market next to my house has kinder eggs!
I am eating that right now!
The same people who would use a knife or a golf club to cause harm to others.
So the bad guys go and buy a gun from a corrupt firearms dealer, an illegal firearm dealer, or seal it from a person who got it through legal means.
Just because something is illegal does not mean it will stop people. (that is why we have 'criminals'.)
Fire arms are 100% illegal in the city and it still has one of the highest gun violence rates in the nation.
2010 crime statistics from the Chicago PD (I have not found any reports for post-2010 crime rates in the last year and a half I have been looking)
Notice how many murders were committed with firearms, in a city that does not allow them.