Agreed. IMO, dude has evolved to become gender neutral. Much like Y'all and Guys.
Anybody who gets butthurt over that is an angry, unhappy, confrontational contrarian who gets butthurt for the sake of being butthurt. Like it is a sick hobby.
Many retail establishments have a "list" at the customer service desk. The "caution, problem customer" list. Your name and/or picture is on it if you are the confrontational butthurt type.
I get the frusteration but don't hate on someone who gets butthurt over their beliefs. You don't know what they've put up with. Maybe she gets called a boy because of how she dresses or acts. It hurts to be called a boy. Think before you joke.
Agreed. He wasn't trying to be dick to the person, just trying to give some explanation for the viewers about that person's life. (I didn't watch his interview about it, just saw a picture and the colbert link) It was typed out too, which almost certainly wasn't done by Piers himself, lot of that stuff is done by writers way beforehand or typed up by interns. Yet he got all the backlash for it. All the interviewee had to do was politely correct him about it. Instead they made a big scene about it and got everybody else to bombard him with shit. The guy TRYING to HELP with awareness on the subject. Ya, makes sense to get pissed off at him for not being perfect. Its like getting pissed off at a guy volunteering to help with a charity event because he didn't set things up exactly as you wanted it. He did what he could, take whats given and don't bitch them out or they won't be likely to try helping again.
Anybody who gets butthurt over that is an angry, unhappy, confrontational contrarian who gets butthurt for the sake of being butthurt. Like it is a sick hobby.
Many retail establishments have a "list" at the customer service desk. The "caution, problem customer" list. Your name and/or picture is on it if you are the confrontational butthurt type.
Am I the only one that thinks this whole situation is a bit over the top? I'm fine with the trans community, and am not a fan of Piers at ALL, but the lack of the very same understanding they desire from others isn't helping their case.