IDK why you got down voted. You're absolutely right. People who are mentally retarded can't help it. Saying stupid people are retarded is insulting to mentally challenged people. You can't fix mentally retarded, but you CAN fix stupid.
You can't fix stupid.
And the definition of retarded: "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age."
I see no reason why that can't apply to stupid people.
But retardation is an actual condition and when you call something retarded, it hurts those people. Most of them are incredibly intelligent, but it just takes longer for them to process stuff or to communicate their thoughts. I'm not here to pick a fight. Just please don't use retarded that way anymore.
I hate when people say "ohh, its reverse racism" or " stop being reverse sexist" it not reverse anything, its not revese anything its just plain racism or being just planly sexist.
You mean Arab Ottomans who captured European cities and gave their citizens a choice: either become a slave, convert to Islam, and eventually become a member of the elite Jannisary corp of cavalry, or pay a tax to stay Christian or Jewish. Northern Africa is mostly Muslim, and by American standards, treated their slaves very well.
We should all love each other and focus on the real problems, like ugly fat spiders infesting our front porches in the summertime
· 11 years ago
Sure, I'm not going to hold you accountable for what your ancestors did, but at least acknowledge that you are more privileged than me as a result of that . We don't even get equal pay to you!
· 11 years ago
Yeah, on average, we are. And that's not our fault.
I specifically said I wasn't holding you accountable.
· 11 years ago
You said I have to at least acknowledge I - as a white person - am more privileged than you as a result of slavery, and because of this all black people are paid less than white people. This is a terrible generalisation, and is simply untrue - living and economic conditions vary greatly, regardless of skin colour; in some areas, yes, black people are paid less - but in others, the situation is reversed.
On average white people would be paid more for the same job as a minority (apart from asians)
To the guest, yeas your boss might be black, but if she was a white male she would earn more for the same job.
The problem I have with these wages statistics is that they are inherently skewed do to being a flat average. In other words, they took the average salary of EVERY white and compared it to the salary of EVERY black. This shows a wage gap not for reasons of discrimination, but instead for things such as the majority of each race working in different career areas, and the fact that whites tend to be better educated than their black counterparts (and yes it states this in the article you linked.) Now I am not saying that discrimination doesn't happen. It does. But not to the scale or amount that some people would like to think. In fact, I believe it is illegal to pay a white more than a black IF they have the same qualifications and are working the same job. (Sorry for the long post XD)
· 11 years ago
When human capital, skills, and other factors contributing to the racial wage gap are taken into account, many researchers find that there is still a portion of the racial wage gap that is unexplained. Many attribute this to another factor: race.
You know what? No. I'm done. All I do is state an opinion but obviously you aren't mature enough to handle the fact that someone doesn't agree with you. I was trying to have a healthy debate and most people made good points but it turns out you had to ruin it by being childish.
if you were a decendent of those europeans and had an issue with those north africans that would make sense. here you're just trying to draw a very flawed analogy. also descendants of the trans-atlantic slave trade don't act like whites alive today are the ones who subjugated them, they just want the history of what african slaves went thru to be acknowledged as well as steps taken to reform institutionalized racism that still exists today, not for people to act like just cuz it was in the past that racism doesn't exist today.
And the definition of retarded: "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age."
I see no reason why that can't apply to stupid people.
To the guest, yeas your boss might be black, but if she was a white male she would earn more for the same job.