The buckets can't go any farther down because the table is stopping them. And since the buckets are going against gravity they lift the table that way the table stops the buckets from going any further thus holding the table in place. Kinda like a paradox. Simply put.
Yes. Imagine you're sitting on a wooden swing tied to a long rope. You throw the rope over, say a horizontal pole, and you can then pull yourself up and down, it's the exact same thing, you're just the bucket. This just looks cool because it has 4 buckets.
"you're just the bucket," I've been called a lot of names before but this is a first =)
So, is there the same amount of pressure on the eyelets (from the strings) as there is between the table and the buckets?
This makes no sense to me!!! How can the table be held by the buckets when the buckets are on the table which means that it must be heavier to hold them up. Everything would just fall in reality. If the buckets were on the floor or just barely hovering over the table I would understand, but I don't get thiiiisssssss. Don't down vote me I'm just confuseddddd
The buckets rest on the 'table' and the rope is tied to it. Resting on the loops on the ceiling is the rope. The rope is holding up the buckets which are glued to the table
Think of it like a magnet on a string with another magnet under it, that is much larger
· 11 years ago
If anybody else has ever wondered, this is how the big cables work on bridges I believe
In case this would help anyone, I'm pretty sure the buckets in total weigh the same as the table.
(I was killing my brain because I thought the buckets were lighter than the table.)
The buckets must weigh equal or more than the weight of the table. Most likely more than because that makes this easier to do. Think of it like this; tie a rope to a 2lb weight, throw rope over branch, tie other end to a pencil. Now the weight will pull the pen up as it goes down. However, if fix it so the pen has to go through the weight in order to travel up, then the weight itself will stop the pencil. This is essentially what's happening here. the table is not holding the buckets up but rather the buckets are holding the table down.
So, is there the same amount of pressure on the eyelets (from the strings) as there is between the table and the buckets?
Think of it like a magnet on a string with another magnet under it, that is much larger
(I was killing my brain because I thought the buckets were lighter than the table.)