This concerns me a little bit. I think mergy does have a point and that we can't slut shame anyone without knowing them. To be fair, that skirt isn't transparent, it's a black skirt beneath it. I've seen those in Washington because it's always rainy and it's cute and stylish. It's also removable. Although I would say it was unnecessary for such a skirt and I myself would never wear that, it isn't right to call her a whore until you see her on a street corner or have any information to base it off her. Plus, that wasn't the point of the tweet.
I think its fair to call her a slut if she removes the black part that is supposed to be underneath and just wears the transparent cover. And honestly, just because I say someone's a slut doesn't really mean I think they are a bad person.
· 11 years ago
I agree completely with Mergy on this one. Just because she dresses provocatively, doesn't mean that her worth is diminished in any way. We don't know her or her story. Why be so judgemental?
Well it's like saying if I took off my shirt I'd be naked. She didn't take off the black skirt, so she still has some sense.
I think that although there are boundaries, we shouldn't slut shame unless we know the person.
A well known example is male joggers. They can fucking go anywhere only wearing boxers or pants and it's okay. But of course when a girl wears a crop top, she's suddenly a slut? If it's the style, you're going to see it. I'm not a hardcore feminist but really some of this is out of hand. Shouldn't we, as girls, respect other girls first before we can be respected by men ?
Ugh, I hate when people go "Let's not be judgemental! We don't know her story!" Wearing the skirt was a mistake. Let's face it, it looks horrible and makes her look like a whore. Why shouldn't we judge her mistake? With this logic you might as well say "Let's not judge Manson! Maybe he killed all the people for a reason!" No. There are many, many ways how to solve a problem, in both cases above. For example, if the girl had woken up after a party with these clothes, she might have tried to find her wallet, and go buy some decent clothes. Or take someone's T-shirt and wrap it around her waist instead of a skirt. There's a fuckload of ways to solve a situation and by choosing this one she made a mistake. Judging her just makes her find a better solution next time or, if this attire was her choice, makes her ready to face judgements. Rightful judging has a positive outcome. Bitching and dissing does not. There's a difference between them.
Rightful judging had some boundaries. You can tell her upfront that the skirt can cause some issues. There is a difference between constructive criticism and insulting someone.
It's like saying someone with pimples should be classified as nerdy because their face has infections on it. She can wear whatever she wants and people will be okay with it because that's the trend. Crop tops, slits in pants, skin showing. Until new trends come in, we're going to have to deal with it. If your 16 year old daughter for whatever reason wore that, would you call her a slut ? You most likely wouldn't because she's your daughter and you know that she isn't * (* special cases where daughter is a slut isn't included in this example). You can say her skirt is provocative or slutty, but calling her a slut isn't right. The creator of this tweet wasn't even out to slut shame her. It was meant for humor so can we please just enjoy the fart joke and not insult the girl ?
I don't think it's right to judge her. Why should she have dress based on what you guys deem acceptable? We as a people constantly say "don't be judgmental" but we're only saying don't judge what we seem acceptable. Well you know what, anyone and everyone should be able to walk outside with nothing on and not be called a slut or whore. Simply because why shouldn't they be able to?
Like it literally goes:
Cover up your body.
Because you're a slut if you don't.
"Why would that make me a slut?"
And then you realize there's no reasonable reason for this.
@yixie what is this black under part you keep talking about? Not sure what picture you are seeing, but I'm seeing a completely transparent "skirt" and a thong. She wouldn't be revealing any more if she just took the thing off and walked around in a thong. And if my daughter decided to wear that garbage, she would be told she looks like a slut and to go back to her room because she will not leave the house looking that way.
Its nothing like saying somebody with pimples is nerdy, they can't help that (assuming they are washing their face regularly). Are you trying to tell me she has no possible way to wear something else and thats the only outfit she owns?
@rice and soccer there has always been a culturally defined "appropriate" attire and things that have been deemed inappropriate. Its always changing and even differs based on where you are going and what country it is. If a woman (or a man for that matter) decides to wear clothing deemed "inappropriate" then they deserve to be judged by the people around them. If a guy went to a white collar business meeting in a t shirt and cargo pants, he deserves to be judged just as much as if he went to Target in a speedo. Both of them are inappropriate attire for the place they went to, and they are going to get funny looks and comments because of it. You both really mean to tell me if a 300# guy in a skimpy pink thong came up to you in the mall and asked you something, you wouldnt have a single thought or comment about it because "he can wear what he wants" Its not a feminist, slut shaming issue. Its a culturally defined appropriate attire issue.
Actually no, I wouldn't comment because it's not a big deal. In my city I sometimes see people dressed in all sorts of ways that some would deem inappropriate by cultural standards. The pictured woman's skirt - while eye catching - is not actually revealing any more than you might see at the beach or walking by La Senza. If she's comfortable enough with her body to wear that, then good for her. Same thing if it were a man.
guest did you just say "then they deserve to be judged by the people around them" ?? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm reading, but maybe I need glasses because that's the biggest bs I've ever read. Anyway, in most parts of NY the mayor has realized the points I'm making and has deemed it appropriate for women to be shirtless anywhere a man is allowed to be shirtless. I'm sure if you saw a topless woman you'd immediately call her a whore or slut, but really you're succumbing to the social standards set around you and just not thinking logically.
I think that although there are boundaries, we shouldn't slut shame unless we know the person.
A well known example is male joggers. They can fucking go anywhere only wearing boxers or pants and it's okay. But of course when a girl wears a crop top, she's suddenly a slut? If it's the style, you're going to see it. I'm not a hardcore feminist but really some of this is out of hand. Shouldn't we, as girls, respect other girls first before we can be respected by men ?
It's like saying someone with pimples should be classified as nerdy because their face has infections on it. She can wear whatever she wants and people will be okay with it because that's the trend. Crop tops, slits in pants, skin showing. Until new trends come in, we're going to have to deal with it. If your 16 year old daughter for whatever reason wore that, would you call her a slut ? You most likely wouldn't because she's your daughter and you know that she isn't * (* special cases where daughter is a slut isn't included in this example). You can say her skirt is provocative or slutty, but calling her a slut isn't right. The creator of this tweet wasn't even out to slut shame her. It was meant for humor so can we please just enjoy the fart joke and not insult the girl ?
Like it literally goes:
Cover up your body.
Because you're a slut if you don't.
"Why would that make me a slut?"
And then you realize there's no reasonable reason for this.
Its nothing like saying somebody with pimples is nerdy, they can't help that (assuming they are washing their face regularly). Are you trying to tell me she has no possible way to wear something else and thats the only outfit she owns?