How about a sharp, witty, charming and intelligent woman who will be a freind and lover? Am I going over the line to add adorably cute, fun and occasionally silly?
Is that to much to ask?
That's why guys and girls (gays notwithstanding) can really never be friends. And before you counter with "That's not true, I have plenty of girls who are friends." Realize that you would sleep with these women given the opportunity.
Everyone is different. Every man, every woman. You can't really just say "men do this and that" because not all of them do. :P and that friend thing is just bullshit. :)
So what your saying is that my gay friend actually just wants to stick it in, and our friendship is based around that? Sounds a bit silly. If one of my friends came out of the closet, I don't immediately think "this invalidates our friendship." But I understand your point. Every such interaction becomes sexually charged. It is up to both people to look past that.
Is that to much to ask?