As an American I say we don't need to apologize. Every country has their ups and downs and we have helped the world more than we hurt it so enough of the hate. And if u really dont like America then just move somewhere else no one is stopping u
That sporty guy everyone likes and many people try to be him but he's too crazy for many but likes to explore ;). (I probably did a horrid job sorry if I did!)
Okpk Ralph Fiennes (aka One-you-can-not-name), Ian McKellen, Jude Law, Alex Pettyfer (o.O never knew), Ewan McGreggor and David Tennant and Naveen Andrews
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Christian Coulson, Daniel Craig, Ian De Caestecker, Jeremy Irvine, Charlie Hunnam, Kit Harington, Ben Wishaw, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Josh Bowman, Joseph Morgan, Aiden Turner, Colin Morgan, Christian Cooke, Arthur Davill, Sam Clafin, Andrew Garfield, Alex Pettyfer and so much more if you'd like.
Actually, because weed is legal in the netherlands, it's not considered "cool" by anybody like it is in other places, in fact stoners in holland are considered "uncool" and considering all the other concentrated awesomeness holland has, I think Netherlands would be that cool kid who basically runs the school.
Do you?? Haha I havr nothing against it but I've never been a shipper (if that nakes any sense). And OMG you HAVE to watch the extended edition. It just changes sooo much. Like I never liked Boromir, but because of an aditional scene I just saw him as a really good guy
on amazon instant video you can either buy or rent movies and the rent option isn't available for the extended edition but you can rent the non extended version and the difference between the rent and buy prices means that it basically costs 5 times as much to watch the extended version. did that help?
Oh wow!! Yeah...I am so much of a ringer I can't do that. Basically I became a ringer last year and read the books and watched the normal movies (renting them from a shop but its a different system). But it wasnt enough and so I went in amazon and asked for the extended edition (british amazon though) and all three movies together, plus the export was 26 euros was real good
Australia: The survival expert, loyal friend for life
America: The warfighter, first to run to hell
Canada: The polite badass, no one better to have your back
England: The Father of modern civilization
New Zealand: The down to earth bro
The Netherlands: The really high guy
France: The strategist who could do anything they dedicate themselves to.
China: The secretive rising star. Plagued by nasty rumors that may or May not be true.
*throws spaghetti into the air*
Adios losers!
FUCK NO! He's mine!
*grabs Tom Hiddleston* *flies off* See you later!
The kid who is rich because he gets money from his parents(the state) for everything
I don't dance
America: The warfighter, first to run to hell
Canada: The polite badass, no one better to have your back
England: The Father of modern civilization
New Zealand: The down to earth bro
The Netherlands: The really high guy
France: The strategist who could do anything they dedicate themselves to.
China: The secretive rising star. Plagued by nasty rumors that may or May not be true.