I get that some people are really against abortion but seriously, if they're going to preach why they don't like it they should at least use ACTUAL PROVEN FACTS instead of random shit they think people will buy
But then you don't get to see the beautiful slams like these :') *sheds a single tear for the wonders of the slam*
· 8 years ago
I originally posted this image of a child who was tragically miscarried. One ignorant abortion advocate claimed they were a cat and thousands of people believed them because they must deny the humanity of the preborn in order to rationalize their willingness to kill them. See the truth for yourself: https://cultureshiftforlife.com/2016/04/10/learn-about-science
I think abortion should be allowed in certain cases, such as rape. I know you could argue that you could just give the baby up for adoption, but think of it this way: if you were that child, and they grew up knowing that they were the product or rape, wouldn't you feel horrible? A fetus can't think or feel, so if you didn't want to go through a pregnancy you didn't want to be in, there wouldn't be any harm to the fetus(well, technically, yeah, but you get my point)
Exactly. Another thing is that say a twelve year old girl is raped and ends up pregnant, forcing her to carry and give birth to the child could potentially kill her. And there are other cases where there are women who will die if they get pregnant and give birth. In cases like these I believe abortion should be allowed, but I don't think it should be open as a plan B for people who simply forgot to use birth control
I agree, if it is a dire case such as above, then a woman should have a choice. If it is just irresponsibility, then it shouldn't be open. But rape and other factors should give a woman a choice. All women should have that choice
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I think those accidents of irresponsibility shouldn't happen. Sex should be taken much more seriously for the power it has. It's serious.
.... holy schnike I completely agree with this, if you have a "accident" you should have to pay for your mistake of not taking the pill or not using a condom. But if you were raped or could die of it, sure you can get an abortion. Two problems though, I feel like people would start saying they were raped or will die for from it just do they won't have to deal with there problem. And then for the rape thing, as it has been happening, people will start to not believe it.
The problem with "paying for your mistake" is that the woman is not the one being punished, the child is. If a mistake or accident or whatever does happen, then a woman should not be forced, by law, to carry a child to term.
Also, the idea that the woman should be punished for unprotected sex is really unfair. What about the man who helped create the the pregnancy. The responsibility is 50% his, but society and our government has put all the blame on the woman. If your logic is that she needs to pay for her mistake by carrying the pregnancy, what's his punishment?
I think that abortion should be regulated, like maybe by CPS. You would have to apply for an abortion, and there could be defaults like rape, under a certain age, complications, financial instability, poor genetic history, and such. Some people NEED abortion, some people WANT abortion. Abortion should be awarded to the former. The latter can stick it out for nine monthes when they can choose adoption.
To saltlakesnark, men are compensated by having to pay child support. It's a law. There's not really any other way to punish men unfortunately. I'm a man and I still agree with this.
As a single mother who's ex husband won't pay child support, i can confirm that that is not true. And because of how the laws are set up, i have to wait years and go to court several time before he will see jail time or they will seize assets. It's not cut and dry. And what about those that give their child up for adoption? the woman had to spend 9 months pregnant and give birth. Where's the mans punishment then?
Your point is that women should be punished for unprotected sex, but its ok for men not to be. It's the women's job to protect against pregnancy, not a mans.
BOTH share this responsibility. And BOTH should share the responsibility of a child. Until men stop leaving women to take all the responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy alone, you can't say that she shouldn't have the same option.
I personally don't like abortion. I do think both men and women need to be more responsible about sex because it creates life. But my opinion has no rights over another persons body.
Tara, a fetus as the result of rape is physically no different than a fetus produced by consensual sex. It's a little unfair to say that the only women to get abortions should be the ones that were raped. I'm pro-choice by the way.
I get that, but think of it this way. A fetus can't feel or think or have emotions, it just exists, until it's born. Now think of plants(say, weeds, and no, I'm not saying unwanted fetuses are a nuisance) weeds are alive. But they can't think, feel, or have emotion. People can decide to leave them to grow, or to kill them, even though they're alive. I guess it's just a matter of perspective
Actually, a great deal of scientific evidence, including fetal surgery, points that the fetus can feel pain and sensation by at least 24 weeks of development. I know that this is far beyond when anyone should have an abortion, so that's not my argument (I am pro-choice, but not at that late in the game! Just pointing out that the research shows neuro-biologic pathways supporting the pain sensation come at 24 weeks post conception, not at birth ;o)
If pregnancy is a result of an accident or spur-of-the-moment irresponsibility, that doesn't mean a woman should have to pay for that. An abortion should be avoided as much as possible, of course. But if a woman with little to no education, financial foundation or stable mental health gets pregnant, she has the right to get it aborted. A baby needs good care and to be born under fit circumstances. It would be as much irresponsible to keep an unwanted baby.
So no, rape is not the only valid reason for an abortion.
Keep telling yourself that while you sit idly by as a genocide of the unborn takes place right under your nose. It's a human being for gods sake, people don't get to fucking decide when it becomes a human.
· 11 years ago
At least the babies go to heaven :)
· 11 years ago
Really? "Genocide"? My comment was objective and calm, but you come back accusatory, swearing and judgemental? You're not interested in an interesting discussion, you're just looking for an opportunity to feel morally superior and good about yourself - so I'm leaving this "debate".
· 11 years ago
Don't worry, jesus. Some of us, like me, can have opinions without slamming those who don't share them I used to do that, but iI'm a bit more mature now. Don't worry, though, he might have had a rough day. They bring out the worst in everyone :)
Nope I just have no tolerance when it comes to people being ok with this, it's the same as if you came up to me and said murder is ok, I'm not going to want to have a calm, collected conversation about it. Anything else, no matter how stupid and utterly insane I think someone's opinion is, I will be calm and nice. This is not about moral superiority, this is about me being furious at the thought of murdering an unborn child and everyone is neutral about it at best.
· 11 years ago
Dude, I agree with you. But do you know why i'm getting more respect? Because I'm trying to see others' points of view. I completely agree with you and the thought of it makes me sick, but at the same time, I can see where the other guys are coming from, and I do believe you are Christian, like me, so the babies would go to heaven anyway :)
See that's the problem right there, this is not just "opposing view points" (and that is in quotes not to mock or ridicule, simply quoting your comment). Politics, taxes, the environmental issues, anything else is just opposing view points, this is murder, this is not the same. I feel like this is being treated like a tax issue, when it's millions of human lives at stake. (This comment was directed at mcdonaldo, I know the majority of you don't believe it's murder, because it's not a person.)
· 11 years ago
Dude, I've already reiterated my POV- as you know, it matches yours. But the simple fact in life is- sometimes people are wrong and sometimes others have different points of view. We are just going to have to accept that, and you can two year old tantrum about the matter all you like, but it will not change a thing. I mean, pro choice people could reason with you all day about it and you would not a budge a bit. And that's of they did it in a kind and respectful manner, as they are doing now. You are attempting to change their opinion using swear words, and calling them names. That doesn't endear you to them, and basically write you off as intelligent the minute you swear. If you want others to see your point of view, try respectful debate. Usually works for me, and when it doesn't- I Iet it go. Have a nice day, I'm out :)
If you'd read my comment you'd see I already said that I know how to be calm and get people to see my side of the debate, and I simply choose not to on this subject. I don't need guidance as to how I'm approaching this wrong, I'm a decently intelligent person who already knows what you've told me, it's common sense. When it comes to abortion, we're not reasoning with healthy human beings, we're reasoning with people who are ok with murder. Could Hitler be reasoned with? No. Neither can people who perform abortions and those that are ok with it. (Yes I compared abortion "doctors" to Hitler) I know originally commenting on this isn't going to sway anybody's opinion, and that's not what I'm trying to do. The time to reason has passed and I guess I'm still in disbelief that this many people can be ok with this.
I Edited this comment to correct some punctuation and grammatical errors.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Ok, I am completely with you on POV. Just wishing to point out some technical issues in your comment. I know many healthy human beings who are OK with abortion. Heck, my mum was going to abort my big bro/sis because he/she was growing in the wrong part of her uterus, and it would have killed her, but a miscarriage- RIP :) 2. You are correct in saying Hitler could not be reasoned with, but there's no need for the suspicious quotation marks around doctors. They have their qualifications, the operations they perform don't mean they're not doctors. And Hitler was crazy. A nut job and a psycho, with probably a lot of mental illnesses, unlike a lot of abortion doctors. And if you are a a Christian, which I'm assuming you are see in that you are passionately against this, and (if I remember correctly) against homosexuality, then surely, like me, you believe that all dead babies go to heaven? Good day to you all *floats out leaving a trail of majestic sparkles in my wake*
Well then you and I have come to a disagreement that can not be further debated, I believe doctors who perfom abortions on healthy babies (I have not stated my OP on special health/ rape circumstances) are crazed psychopaths. And on a side note, I don't care about homosexuality anymore, it doesn't affect me so I'm done letting it upset me.
Ok. Want my story? I have a rare genetic condition. I feel useless and unhuman a considerable amount f the time. I may look normal, but that is my tantalization. Sometimes I am just like a normal girl, other times, in the middle of the night, one of my legs will wake me up, and in extreme contractions (comparable to a woman in labor) there are some monthes when I have to go through this every night. Let's say I could've been aborted. If someone were to kill me NOW. That wouldn't be nearly ok. If someone were to abort me, early in my life, well that's sad, maybe. But in all, it would've been ok. And despite everything, I am one of the happiest kids I know and I'm still fine with the thought that I could've been aborted; because as much as I value my life, maybe my mother could have had another daughter or adopted one, and she could have an even better life.
Really, depending on what time the fetus is aborted takes account for it. That's why they usually have a set time period for it. After it has a working brain then it could be accounted for as human, since when people have heart surgery their heart stops but they aren't considered dead, they're only considered dead when their brain stops working because that can't really be replaced.
· 11 years ago
this is a dead fetus at 12 weeks
I understand that sometimes abortion is the most convenient choice, it just makes me sad that babies who can feel things, dream, and have memories, even at that stage of development.
Those pictures have been widely discredited, with a few clicks into Google and research into the PFL organization you can learn about the misinformation and shaming tactics they use on women who have had abortions, miscarriages, or are unable to have children. They are not an objective source for information.
I worked with OBGYNs for years, and it's known that 90% of pregnancy terminations take place in the first trimester, largely in the first 8 weeks. The pregnancy sac is about the size of a dime- and this is what it looks like according to actual medical professionals- go to 8 weeks. (no grotesque photo, promise)
Now that photo is back lit to make it clearer, and it's blown up huge. But you can see the idea that it's largely indistinguishable from the cat fetus above, hence the confusion.
So, if a woman makes the mistake of getting pregnant, she should pay for that mistake for 18 years?
Fine. Let's sentence the teens who try alcohol once to 18 years in prison. Or any other reckless behavior for that matter. It's stupid, certainly, but shouldn't carry an 18 year price.
And if people need to "pay the price" for their mistakes, why are so many fathers allowed to leave their children with nothing but a child support check? If you want the mother to give up her life for a mistake, at least the father should have to as well.
That's the thing with pro-life conservatives. They'll fight tooth and nail to protect a clump of brainless, heartless, sexless cells, but once that clump has developed into a fetus and is born... They join the ranks of all the other "government mooching", uneducated filth
At least we don't kill babies ;)
Simple,don't have sex if you don't want a child, How hard is that? Oohh but wait, your sexual impure desires come first.
I'm going to guess you're either asexual or haven't hit puberty yet because that's easier said than done. It's a natural instinct to have sex, not an impure desire.
So to "pay for the mistake"of having unprotected sex (also there was a guy havering that sex, where is his part In all this) your going to make a woman carry and have a child they don't want and probably can't afford? That's great sure that kids going to have an amazing life. Seriously everyone has times in there life they make bad decision, abortion is never a quick fix but it's just as acceptable as contraception, it's another ( albeit drastic) choice in being a sexual person, stop making a foetus into a baby and a woman into a "warning to us all about the dangers of wanton sex!".
Actually, 61% of women who have abortions in the US already have 1 or more child, less than 45% of women who seek abortions are unmarried or not in a cohabiting relationships. The stereotypes out there of women who get abortions are very wrong. Look here for some quick facts: http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html
I agree with many of the posts that say it's unfair to push all the blame and responsibility to the female because "she should have known better" or "she should have kept her legs closed". Taking care of a child is not only just a huge financially responsibility, but it changes lives, dreams and futures. For the teen or unprepared mother and sometimes responsible father, life as they know it has ended. We all know that shit happens and some people just aren't meant to be parents (and swear it's the same group of people that are anti-abortion that are the main ones calling people out on their lack of parenting skills). I admit that I might sound morbid to some but I would rather abort a fetus than have a child live and fight to survive in the cycle of poverty and teen pregnancies or wind up slipping though the cracks in orphanages and foster care. But no matter what my opinion is, I have no right to dictate what a person can do with their body - it's their choice and I'm pro-choice.
Actually, that is a HUMAN BEING. Pro-abortion advocates will use any lie they can to force people to abide by their beliefs. (I am the OP, and I'm not religious, I'm an atheist - abortion is not a religious issue, it's a human rights issue). See this post to learn more: tmblr(.)co/ZPm6cr1CCZiNM
Because its Christians who are putting shame and guilt onto women. We cant have even the rights to our own bodies. When it comes down to it most Christian bodies are against sexual education, outright tell women sex is wrong, then when people are naturally human and have sex then make us feel guilty about it. On top of that when kids who can't get sexual education then become pregnant they deny them the right to fix the problem.
Pro-abortion ignorance - believing what they want to believe to justify the slaughter of their unborn children. I am the OP of this post on Tumblr. This IS A HUMAN BEING. See the truth for yourself: cultureshift.tumblr.com/post/81815061974/this-post-references-this-post-cognitive. By the way, I'm an atheist.
The vast majority of the "pro-life" movement are actually "pro-birth". After the birth - they don't give a damn about the child. They only care about the fertilized egg/zygote/fetus.
OH PLEASE GET A FG LIFE!! as you said it,s a cat foetus , so DON<T say this person! also may I say its a free world we live in and if for any reason a woman seeks help for the termination of a pregnancy then that is their choice, thank God! that it is available better than a back stree job with a knitting needle all those years ago<im all for the termination ofa pregnancy at the right time. so please keep your narrow minded thinking to yourself and go and shove it where the sun doesn't shine all you pro life activists! go and do something fkg usefull like going to south Africa and serve the cause and get all the males there to be sterilized that would help the overpopulation of the country and also save the unwanted children from misery don't you think you ignorant person.
Has it not occurred to you that this was a genuine mistake, you cynical bastard?
· 9 years ago
I originally posted this image of a child who was tragically miscarried. One ignorant abortion advocate claimed they were a cat and thousands of people believed them because they must deny the humanity of the preborn in order to rationalize their willingness to kill them. See the truth for yourself: https://cultureshiftforlife.com/2016/04/10/learn-about-science
"Moreover, you took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to Me and sacrificed them to idols to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter?
Ezekiel 16:20
Funsubstancers... the fact is that woman are killing and hurting innocent, defenseless human beings. Deep down, you and I both know that the moving, swimming sperms were alive at that time. Yes I am pro-life and a Christian. And it grieves my heart to know that this is legal. Murder inside the womb and outside are the same.
"It seems to me, that most people who are for abortions have already been born." Its not me you will have to answer to, its our Father in heaven we will answer to.
BOTH share this responsibility. And BOTH should share the responsibility of a child. Until men stop leaving women to take all the responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy alone, you can't say that she shouldn't have the same option.
I personally don't like abortion. I do think both men and women need to be more responsible about sex because it creates life. But my opinion has no rights over another persons body.
So no, rape is not the only valid reason for an abortion.
I Edited this comment to correct some punctuation and grammatical errors.
I understand that sometimes abortion is the most convenient choice, it just makes me sad that babies who can feel things, dream, and have memories, even at that stage of development.
I worked with OBGYNs for years, and it's known that 90% of pregnancy terminations take place in the first trimester, largely in the first 8 weeks. The pregnancy sac is about the size of a dime- and this is what it looks like according to actual medical professionals- go to 8 weeks. (no grotesque photo, promise)
Now that photo is back lit to make it clearer, and it's blown up huge. But you can see the idea that it's largely indistinguishable from the cat fetus above, hence the confusion.
Fine. Let's sentence the teens who try alcohol once to 18 years in prison. Or any other reckless behavior for that matter. It's stupid, certainly, but shouldn't carry an 18 year price.
And if people need to "pay the price" for their mistakes, why are so many fathers allowed to leave their children with nothing but a child support check? If you want the mother to give up her life for a mistake, at least the father should have to as well.
That's the thing with pro-life conservatives. They'll fight tooth and nail to protect a clump of brainless, heartless, sexless cells, but once that clump has developed into a fetus and is born... They join the ranks of all the other "government mooching", uneducated filth
Simple,don't have sex if you don't want a child, How hard is that? Oohh but wait, your sexual impure desires come first.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one.
Im never gonna change my mind !!!
Ezekiel 16:20
Funsubstancers... the fact is that woman are killing and hurting innocent, defenseless human beings. Deep down, you and I both know that the moving, swimming sperms were alive at that time. Yes I am pro-life and a Christian. And it grieves my heart to know that this is legal. Murder inside the womb and outside are the same.