One day I'll probably go mildly postal and just run over everybody's mailboxes and then leave the mail truck in the ditch and walk to the loonie bin... but until then it's 6 days a week of work...
You can be one of my patients ;) I do consults for people being released from the psych ward, and follow up with their treatment through home health! But...I'll still be working?! But maybe it would be more interesting working with a funsubber?!?
Hell yes you can!!!! It is a federal offense to stop the mail!! I know this because it was a question on my Paramedic licensing exam. The question was "Which of the following are legally able to run a red light:
a. Police vehicle
b. Fire engine
c. Mail delivery vehicle
d. Ambulance
e. 3 of the above"
EVERYONE missed it on our practice exam...EVERYONE.
· 10 years ago
Haha good to know. Coworker told me once that we don't have to pull over for emergency vehicles because we could be carrying a time sensitive life saving package. But we usually aren't and we just follow the normal rules of the road.
Make art, keep my house clean, take care of my little bros, do schoolwork...nothing much really. I just don't like to fangirl because I hate the thought of never actually being able to meet or marry the person XD
a. Police vehicle
b. Fire engine
c. Mail delivery vehicle
d. Ambulance
e. 3 of the above"
EVERYONE missed it on our practice exam...EVERYONE.