Very true. Not to mention no one knows what your life has been like just by your perceived status or privileges you've had. Everyone has had difficulties in their life, there's no reason to try to protect one group by putting down another.
God, I know- I can't count the number of posts I have seen throwing slurs at straight people or calling white people hateful names and saying it's all apart of dark humor. I mean, holy shit, don't they know straight white guys have feelings? Stop hiding behind your dark humor masks you cowards!!! Admit your discrimination against these people who are different than you!!! Look how they've been wronged!
Don't be sorry. All I was saying is that if you were offended by someone from a certain group, you shouldn't offend the entire group because there was one idiot who was mean. After all there are idiots of every color, race and sexual orientation. "Sins of the father" isn't a real argument in my opinion. I know and I admit these things happened but blaming someone today for something that happened when they weren't even alive doesn't make a good argument.
Thank you. I'm just tired of groups acting this way. In my opinion if you're seeking "equality" by attacking or degrading others than you are not really looking for equality at all, but rather revenge, and this in turn shows that the group in question is just as biased, bigoted and rude as those they are attacking. If you truly wish for equality than do not attempt to punish others, but rather treat them as your equal and anyone worthy of affecting you opinion will do the same. Now I'm not saying that all members of these groups are guilty of this, but it seems to be happening more and more often, and worst of all it seems to be becoming "acceptable." Sorry for the rant, I'm just tired of bigotry from any source.
Preach on, guys. If you aren't even able to call blacks Niggers and talk about them loving some watermelon and fried chicken (not to mention rape, amirite?) without those uppity black people getting upset with you and saying crazy things like "You don't have the right to attack me based on my race, what gives you the right to call me and mine these things?" I don't even know what the world is coming too. Can't even call a man a nigger or a gay a fag without being attacked and oppressed.
Fight the power, brother men, fight for your right to attack!!
Same as you guys. We can't have our dark humor posts with the fagtasticness bashing therein without people getting all butthurt and stuff. Like the nwords that they talk about, or the queers-- sometimes even a black queer, and the butthurtness is off the scale!!! Why must you be persecuted by their want not to be persecuted? They are obviously discriminating against your rights to discriminate.
So you're against all the so called "dark humor" posting that's been happening around here, the ones that are bashing people of color, gays, and rape survivors? And you would condemn the post from the guest above where he called Songofthewhitestag a fag?
Okay, I apologize for misunderstanding you, and lumping you in with others- I assumed when you spoke of being tired of Song and Saviour and didn't mention the dig at him, you'd been involved with there recent post conversations where many hate slurs had been thrown and a thread nearly identical to this came up saying people who were offended by them were ruining FunSubstance. I apologize again, and absolutely agree- attacks on race, gender identity, sexual identity, etc. don't belong here.
Many Christians treat athiests like scum of the earth.
I'm not saying you do, but that's the reasoning for it. People acting like they're better then the next because a book allows them to judge and make that person of lesser value, even though "Christian values" are suppose to be about respecting everyone.
Just like everything, some of the bad people in the group are ruining it for the rest.
· 10 years ago
Actually the Bible forbids us from judging. People who do are assholes. I understand that christians can be a-holes but so can athiests. I hate seeing preffered religion posts on FS that I saw recently
Thats what I'm saying.
Athiests want freedom of religion and freedom from the judgment. Just like there's jerks in your group theres some jerks in ours, but they're getting mad (athiests) that they don't get fair treatment.
· 10 years ago
I heard the founder wants to shut it down because of all this.
I just want to put this out there
Jokes about race and gender when both parties know it is a joke and not supposed to be taken seriously are fine.
Actually being racist or sexist is not.
On a public forum, where there are literally thousands of people, you can't judge what all "parties" are fine with. Racist and sexist language when in public will be taken as racist and sexist. That's just common sense.
There is a brand called Famous? The only famous brand where I live is Famous Amos- a delicious cookie. I like the nickname though, and am sorry for your loss
Sorry if that's what you said, I'm tired.
Fight the power, brother men, fight for your right to attack!!
I'm not saying you do, but that's the reasoning for it. People acting like they're better then the next because a book allows them to judge and make that person of lesser value, even though "Christian values" are suppose to be about respecting everyone.
Just like everything, some of the bad people in the group are ruining it for the rest.
Athiests want freedom of religion and freedom from the judgment. Just like there's jerks in your group theres some jerks in ours, but they're getting mad (athiests) that they don't get fair treatment.
Jokes about race and gender when both parties know it is a joke and not supposed to be taken seriously are fine.
Actually being racist or sexist is not.
Also, thanks for your condolences, but I've come to terms with it.
A cookie does sound good though.