Yeah, don't hit people in general... Unless you hate them.
· 10 years ago
nuh uh. Still no. HItting someone in play- fine. Hitting someone to hurt them-regardless of who they are- not fine. Unless they are trying to do a greater damage to you.
personally, as a woman and a feminist/equalist/whatever you want to call it. If I hit a man, I'd expect him to hit me back. If he doesn't, then i'm quids in. If he does, fair enough to the bugger, after all I just wolloped him one. However if he hit me for no reason, if anyone of any gender hit me for no reason, yeah I'm gonna be pissed as fuck at them and smack em back.
Don't hit people. It's not right, period. BUT! if some bitch is pulling out a knife on you--beat 'em. They are fighting you, fight back. It's protection.
Having equal opportunity means you have the same access to education (higher or other), access to resources to help you move forward, equally safety when it comes to day to day lives, equal chance at positions your qualified for (not being sorted out because of your gender/skin color, equal pay for equal work, and equal chances to move upward. As well as other variables.
It's not a rally cry. It's a system. And much of it is still unequal.
It isn't just rights, though. It's the culture, too, that places men above women. "You throw like a girl!" "Stop being a pussy!" Both of these things imply that being female is negative. Then there's the usual victim blaming for rape, and the unequal standards for them. If a man has out-of-marriage sex with multiple women that's fine and expected but if a woman has sex with one man she's a slut? Even from childhood, we teach girls how they're supposed to be and that they're supposed to cater to men, particularly with looks.
· 10 years ago
American culture is misogynistic...
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
"Equalist" is a real word. "Feminist" was also an invented word. The word "feminist" has become too tainted with the policy of man-hating and women domination.
I did, you said the word feminist had become tainted, right? Where did you get that impression from? I hear people who say similar things, but no one knows quite what makes them think that way. There should be examples of feminist organizations who make the word seem man hating, etc, or else why would people hold that impression? Since you brought it up, I thought you may have examples. My apologies if I misunderstood.
· 10 years ago
Well, from your response, you are the type of person who should be the proper example on what a feminist/equalist should be in this world.
Sigh... all words are invented. It's the meaning we give words that gives them power. I too would like to see the examples that has led you to claim that, "The word "feminist" has become too tainted with the policy of man-hating and women domination." I think you're just letting your simple-mindedness show through.
· 10 years ago
Ask the average non-feminist person on what feminist means to them and you will get a honest answer. Also, keep insults to your self,, try to learn on how to argue from 'saviourself'.
Calling someone simple minded as a way of dismissing their views and credibility isn't something we should do- we learn nothing from it. I know this is the internet, and tempers and insults can fly around without much thought, but if we choose to enter a dialogue it should be a goal to understand other views, as well as be understood ourselves.
I appreciate your words and thoughts, nande. I am proud to call myself a feminist, and I hope over time more people will either know a feminist or be benefited by the movement in some way where perceptions can start to change for the better. Maybe the language or words will have to evolve too- because the guest is right, the meaning we give words have a lot of power.
Ok, I don't want to start anything, but not hitting girls comes down to the fact that men are generally bigger and that you shouldn't hit someone smaller than you.
· 10 years ago
I'm male and I believe in feminism. If you look at the history of feminism it has helped everyone, men, women, and children. Most of the negative aspects of feminism were created by an extremely small fraction of extremists, but mostly by men who are afraid of losing their power over women and there are absolutely massive numbers of these men. There are a shit-load more misogynists in this world than misandrists. Sorry for the rant, but there's nothing in this world that pisses me off more than misogyny
Where do you live? If it's America, then listen. I am a woman and I know we are all equal and treated that way. But if it's somewhere else, idk what to say.
women all around the world are still treated like objects and still paid less than men of the same job position. it may be okay where you are, but we're not standing up for ourselves, we're standing up for the millions of women who don't have a voice in their society.
While I am all for equal rights, it's the word feminism that gets to me. To say that being equal is all that matters, and yet you get to name the word defining equalism after your gender. It gives men all over the world the wrong idea about your cause. Yes, people don't really know what feminism is truly about. But maybe that's because your name isn't a good representation of your intentions.
I agree, the intent of Feminism was supposed to be equality so far as I know... brining the standards and expectations of women up to those of men, but as with many things, it was bastardized and the meaning was twisted by the actions of a few with extremist goals.
Perhaps these days it should be titled and described as Gender Equality.
Can we stop calling them "Feminists" and call them what they really are? Misogynists.
Please stop identifying me as a steriotype, that is intellectually lazy. I am an individual person that defies labeling: Feminist
Circumcision doesn't go far enough: Misandrist.
(This is a correction, I originally typed Misogynist.)
I hate feminism feminist say feminism= equality but really they just want more power then men and truly I don't see what feminist aren't happy about I think them making less is money then everyone else bullshit.
That's not true. My mother, for example, is underpaid by nearly $10,000 a year and so are all of the other women she works with. The men are receiving the pay they should be, but the women earn significantly less than them.
I need to get something off my chest: unless you live in a third-world, underdeveloped, or perhaps an islamic country, you have no f'ing reasons to fight for equal rights. As a lawyer, and a lady :), I can state that our rights are not being deminished in any way whatsoever! Moreover, we have sooo many privilages on a day-to-day basis! Please understand that there is no need to "fight for equal rights" if you are a citizen of a country that granted all of its citizens (regardless of gender) equal consitutional rights. Thank you.
Do me a favor- look up how many women are raped each year, and then how many men (who are out of prison). Then look up how much property women own in America, and the average breakdown of salaries between men/women. And healthcare cost. And access.
Do this for America, and then we'll talk about how far we've come. Thank you!!
· 10 years ago
And if you are a lawyer you might know that there is a huge difference between the rights written in a Constitution or a law and the reality. And it is necessary to "fight for equal rights" between men and women in every country, as long as there is no equlity, precisely.
Give me an example. Do they get less pay than women? Are they raped and then told it's their fault anywhere near as often? Tell me. How is a man oppressed because of his physical sex?
It's not a rally cry. It's a system. And much of it is still unequal.
I appreciate your words and thoughts, nande. I am proud to call myself a feminist, and I hope over time more people will either know a feminist or be benefited by the movement in some way where perceptions can start to change for the better. Maybe the language or words will have to evolve too- because the guest is right, the meaning we give words have a lot of power.
Perhaps these days it should be titled and described as Gender Equality.
Please stop identifying me as a steriotype, that is intellectually lazy. I am an individual person that defies labeling: Feminist
Circumcision doesn't go far enough: Misandrist.
(This is a correction, I originally typed Misogynist.)
Do this for America, and then we'll talk about how far we've come. Thank you!!