I desperately wish for getting to be a server administration just for the AFK's. You go AFK on my server, fuck you. I don't care whose fucking clan you are on. I will ban you forever and shame you on the server's web page.
I always get hopeful when my friends say they play the same game as me. But, for example, in minecraft, they don't even control gracefully, they play on creative, and plant flowers and all that. What I want is a friend that's into servers and raiding and factions, that I actually know in real life.
Every one of mu friends play DotA, do you think they are even remotely good ?? No, they fucking suck. Then I have to help them omfw haha. *looks away* fucking noobs.
I´m a gamer and I don´t walk around screaming about it ok...I play both online and single player games and I don´t flatter myself. You must be one of those in the pic aren´t you?
I never said I was calm...I said you don´t need to be rude and tell the whole world you play videogames to be "cool". Sometimes I get angrier on the inside but don´t show it. Pro gamers don´t scream like idiots don´t they?
Fair enough, some people deal with their fury differently. And I can agree with your argument about video games. "Play them because you like to play them not for someone's acceptance." It's good motto I would say.
· 10 years ago
Of course I play to have fun. But in games where team comunication or team work is crucial, it pisses me off that people that only fuck around.
Pretty much like trolls here
1. You didn't played online with trolls/afk's/noobs didn't you..
2. Pro gamers don´t scream like idiots don´t they?
· 10 years ago
1. Darkanhell is Spanish so I think you can't penalise him for a mistake here and there.
2. You can't talk - you say 'grammer' (repeatedly) when the word is 'grammAr'!
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Jesus forgives my sins :p.
Also, can someone point the error for me? I don't see it.
· 10 years ago
It would've been better to say:
You haven't played online with trolls/AFKs/noobs, have you..
(Have and haven't instead of didn't). :)
I'm Afrikaans. And there IS a difference between grammar and spelling. I know how to speak English properly, that doesn't mean I can spell every word. And a small grammar error is not a sin, I just thought it would be fun to point them out. One more thing 'You're can't talk' ???
oh, well, I´m sorry if English is not my native language and that I´m obligated to be perfect ...you asshole... grow up and don´t bother anyone with your shit
No no. Technically they both can be attractive. One just chooses to play games as a hobby and one can be playing games for attention which is usually obvious.
In the end. The more sincere female gamers wins...unless there is a girl playing league of legends with their boobs out then the horny teenage boys come and flock to that girl -.-
Pretty much like trolls here
2. Pro gamers don´t scream like idiots don´t they?
2. You can't talk - you say 'grammer' (repeatedly) when the word is 'grammAr'!
Also, can someone point the error for me? I don't see it.
You haven't played online with trolls/AFKs/noobs, have you..
(Have and haven't instead of didn't). :)
'yeah ok man whatever',
when I do it everyone's like
'naw man not cool, fuck you, go suck dick '
In the end. The more sincere female gamers wins...unless there is a girl playing league of legends with their boobs out then the horny teenage boys come and flock to that girl -.-