That really scares me because Texas could easily sneak Mexicans across the border and then Mexico and Texas could try to take over America.... Then America would have to fight a war with Mexico, and fight a civil war, but the civil war wouldn't last long because the gov would just blow you guys to pieces... Sorry
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard lol Texans are very proud and patriotic people (generally) we are very against illegal immigrants mostly because they stay in Texas and take jobs away I can tell you Texas is not to be triffled with but not a threat to the rest of the US
You have any idea how many Air Force bases are in San Antonio alone? Wether operational or not. San Antonio is like air base city. Pretty sure Texas wouldn't go down easy against other states
I know exactly what I'm talking about. A bunch of Texas Air Force bases isn't gonna do anything for you if D.C, LA, and Denver are already sending missiles at you.
Texas is probably the most patriotic state. Wether for Texas itself or for America. Although idk what that secede shit was about. Either way it's not like Texas would just instantly lose. Too many people with guns
Ok but think about it. 49 states against one... Won't turn out well for Texas. Even if everyone there has guns they are no match for a whole country trying to kill them. I'll admit you guys would probably last a while but you would still lose.
· 10 years ago
Zach, listen to what they're saying - you're arguing the rest of America could defeat Texas, but they're explaining to you how and why Texas would never become the enemy in the first place.
Well nobody predicted that the south would team up and try to kill us. It just happened. You never know. Shit happens man
· 10 years ago
There were several warnings and red-flags raised during the build up to the revolution (protests, governmental acts, etc); tension was clear and obvious, so the conflict was not unexpected. So, you kind of do know sometimes, actually.
If texans are as smart as I hear they are then they would've learned from that. They would do it unexpectedly and at a really bad time for America. Plus they could even be destroyed from the inside out. Texas has many bases which means the government is all over the place. Texas wouldn't stand a chance.
Well either way. I think texans are fine the way we are. Why would we cause trouble that'd endanger people when we already have a stable job market better than a good amount of the u.s. we're good the way we are now.
· 10 years ago
@zach: The breadth of your ignorance is quite astounding. I honestly don't know how to communicate with you.
We're better off than a good amount of the country. I think we'd just sit back and laugh at everyone else. And I doubt the bases would listen to the government if the rest of the u.s. turned on us.
Lol a 13 year old doesn't have that kind of power. That'd be idiotic. All your talk sounds like you're scared though.
· 10 years ago
As mrrsparklez says, you don't have that power - and even if you did, that one 'nuke' would also leave a devastating fallout that, given air currents, would most likely spread and cause lethal damage to a large number of non-enemy states. I really don't see you presidential aspirations getting you very far, zach.
I can assure all of you that I'm not afraid of the state of Texas and I'm not afraid of war. Mrrsparklez, I do not have the power to nuke anyone, but you don't understand how easy it would be for someone like me to get that power. Jesus, I dont need 'presidential aspirations'. Next Civil War the military will be coming to me for advice. And I'll say "give them the option of surrender, and if they refuse, let the missiles fly."
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I have no words. Take your imagination and focus on doing something positive with your "power". How about no war?
I'm just not going to continue with this. You're imagination is running rampit. I seriously doubt any 13 year old would ever have power like that lol. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet. You're just starting to go through puberty and are probably trying to show off to any girl on here or whoever else you're showing this too. I.E. lexilove or whatever her user is. Your ignorance is hilarious. And again. Sounds like for some reason you fear Texas. While texans are some of the kindest people. Just don't fuck with us. While this was entertaining seeing some little barely teenage kid trying to make Texas the bad guy. You're mind isn't developed enough to understand what were saying. Hopefully some day it will be. Have fun fearing Texas.