Just going to say one small thing: most of the money the United States has borrowed is from its own people or businesses, usually in the form of bonds. Only about 35% of U.S. debt is owned by foreigners. Yes, in recent years China has owned an increased portion of that 35%, although it is not just the Chinese government, but also Chinese individuals and businesses. You can almost think of it as them investing in the U.S. So, in conclusion, no, the U.S. is not owned by China.
Nothing is free. Look up oyher things like yhe taxes that it takes for free schooling. And if American schools suck so bad why do students from all over the world want to study here? I know our system could be better but using ignorant words like "sucks" and "free" shows just how little u know about the situation
As funny as this was, this guy is just passing the blame back onto his school rather than accepting that much of it was his own damn fault. Yes, college can be very expensive, but let me tell you what 95% of your potential employers are going to look for. Did you get a bachelor's degree (or higher if required)? If yes, was the degree from *insert top 3-5 schools in this profession*? If yes, they'll add a bit of weight to it, if its ANY OTHER SCHOOL, its all the same and they don't give a shit which one it was. So unless your degree says Harvard or Yale or MIT or one of the other VERY top schools, you are probably overpaying if you are going to some private college for 40K a year when there is probably several state colleges nearby that you coulda been paying 1/10th of that. The money still adds up, but its much easier to pay 16k back than it is to ever pay off 160k.
Also gotta look at what he got his degree in, as that could be a large part of the issue. Got a masters degree and still unemployed for 2 years? Either he's too stubborn and proud to start out at entry level jobs in his profession, or his degree is in something that just has very little jobs available. Lot of professions either have very few in the profession, or are a shrinking industry and less and less people are needed in it. Either way its very easy to look it up beforehand so this guy probably had full knowledge that he would have a very hard time getting a job.
Example: Bob really loves trains. He decides he wants to be a locomotive firer so he goes to college to get a degree and learn more about it. While he's there, he learns that not only are there only a couple thousand locomotive firers in the entire US, but its also a rapidly declining job! The number of people in the field is expected to drop over 40% in the next 10 years. Now, Bob has a few choices:
He can A: Realize he really probably shouldn't continue working on his locomotive firer degree and maybe find something else he might like that deals with trains. Maybe he'll become an engineer and design/build tracks for trains or something. He does this, finds a good job and makes a decent living.
Or option B: He can deny the facts he looked up and keep telling himself he's special and it'll be different for him, he'll totally be able to get a job right away, especially since *University most people have never even heard of* has such good degrees! He continues on his path and stays unemployed for years, because not only is it a very small profession with little amount of new people entering, but its also declining! Which means it just gets harder every year because more people are fighting for even less jobs. He stays unemployed and ends up living with his parents and writing letters to his evil university that has the gall to ask its alumni for money.
Now, what should Bob do....
Hold da fu*k up guest. That is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Really people I don't even think some of you read the letter properly, if you saw how much he had to actually fu*king pay to go to this fu*king university maybe you'd agree with him. But also the statement he made about the professor interests me because in schools teachers still go through the syllabus with you, in uni however the professer can literally cover what like 3 pages of a book maybe and then tell you that the next day you have an assesment for like 40 pages after that THE NEXT DAY! Before you call me a liar I have a lot of friends who's cousins or siblings are in uni and they pay a shit load for SHIT but they really can't do anything about it because dropping out really ruins your image nowadays. There's a business app that can search who you are via email and brings up all your info like your twitter account and facebook account and certain posts etc. Like if they looked up me they'd see my FS account
If you bothered to actually read what I said rather than glance at it and see it was a rant, you'd see that I specifically went into the price he was bitching about. Employers dont give a rats ass whether you went to university A with a price tag of $40k a year, or university B with a price tag of $4k a year. The ONLY time an employer will care whatsover, is if they are an alumni there, or its an extremely prestigious school (Think Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc.). This means that if you decide you have to go to that fancy private school thats so good, yet not quite good enough to be considered a top school, YOU ARE PAYING TOO MUCH. Nobody other than the other people that went to that school give a shit. So YOU and YOU ALONE are paying that extra $36k (in this example) to go to university A instead of B. So the only person you should be complaining to, is yourself. YOU chose to go there. The university didn't force you come, or to stay. YOU chose it.
As to it ruining your image. Most people wouldn't care if you changed schools and still finished school. Not that hard to come up with any number of reasons that person would need to move. If you continue to go to uni A knowing its "such a terrible education" when uni B is much better and also 1/10 the price.....hm guess who's fault that is again? YOURS
· 10 years ago
Okay but this person didn't know the uni was going to be so terrible but later down the line when him, and most probably others, realised that it was a crap uni it was too late and they had to stick with it or be seen as a disgrace to the family for dropping out. But now he's seen as more of a disgrace for money wasted and still having no job!
Hmm, so he didn't do well enough in a ridiculously overpriced school to get any kind if a job for two years, and then blames it on the money grubbing educational system? Someone has a sore ass and zero common sense or tact.
In some ways I agree with other guest...some people go to super expensive private schools they can't afford and get a degree with a very low job placement rate. Instead of blaming everyone else, people should be practical when considering college choices.
Example: Bob really loves trains. He decides he wants to be a locomotive firer so he goes to college to get a degree and learn more about it. While he's there, he learns that not only are there only a couple thousand locomotive firers in the entire US, but its also a rapidly declining job! The number of people in the field is expected to drop over 40% in the next 10 years. Now, Bob has a few choices:
Or option B: He can deny the facts he looked up and keep telling himself he's special and it'll be different for him, he'll totally be able to get a job right away, especially since *University most people have never even heard of* has such good degrees! He continues on his path and stays unemployed for years, because not only is it a very small profession with little amount of new people entering, but its also declining! Which means it just gets harder every year because more people are fighting for even less jobs. He stays unemployed and ends up living with his parents and writing letters to his evil university that has the gall to ask its alumni for money.
Now, what should Bob do....