ONE of my friends came out over the weekend to his parents and now they hate him. His boyfriend had been bullied about it but now he has my friends to back him up.
I hate parents like that. It's still your child regardless. I hate close-minded people. Just let people be who they wanna be and be with who they wanna be with.
Or maybe just equality all around... No racism, sexism (not like those extreme feminist rights people), or homophobia. As well as for the people that identify differently than their born gender.
I hate that 90% of the people I see on a daily basis are some degree of homophobic. I saw a flag shaped rainbow in the sky on June 1st, and I pointed it out saying, "just in time for LGBT pride month". The looks I got were very saddening.
· 10 years ago
Some people are just set in their ways if they dont accept it oh well forget them
· 10 years ago
Alright kiddos. I really don't give a flying fuck if somebody is gay, straight, bi, white, black, English, Asian, American etc. Because all that really matters is if you are a good person. That's what people should be proud of about themselves. Like Dr King said, "Judge not people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
our school had some administrative problems so our day of silence is today and they ran out of I support day of silence stickers
· 10 years ago
If you're homosexual then you're homosexual. If you're heterosexual then you're heterosexual. We're all people. Their shouldn't be pride months for specific groups of people but rather equal amount of pride in each and every month as human beings and as people alike. It has no effect on my life whether you're straight or gay and same goes for me to you. I affect you in no way you affect me in no way. So why can't we just get along?
Way to be a great example of an asshole ''G''. You must be new here cuz this is one of the most tolerant sites on the internet. You have your right to your own opinion and free speech but if u don't like it here there are plenty of other places to entertain urself.and no I'm not gay
I consider myself a tolerant person. However, I cannot stop myself from saying every inappropriate joke that comes to me. Knowing this, i hope you understand as i say that that comment was super gay.
· 10 years ago
Not hating, but curious. When do straight people get to be applauded and praised and have parades? Is this what true equality is? Should I be ashamed of being straight or proud? Or can I just live my life my way without forcing it on someone else? I don't hate people because they're straight, and I certainly don't hate because they are gay. But showing off "pride" in celebration of who you are, doesn't make one proud. It is vanity. True enough, gays, lesbians, transgenders, whatever, have been bullied, abused and persecuted in the past. But remember, so have straight people, for being black, or white, or oriental, or fat, or short, or tall, or skinny, for being a man, a woman, whatever.
Shouldn't we, as a society, stop coddling each other and just grow up?
Or am I living in a fantasy world?
We are still bullied, misunderstood and killed. Yes, straight people are bullied too, but not on their sexuality. They are not told to "just be normal." People are not grossed out when they see a boy and girl holding hands, or kissing. I don't think you will understand, if you don't have been discriminated because of the people you fall in love with.
The parades are a celebration for those who have the freedom to express it. Straight people are wonderful, but they dont go throught the different challenges a LGTB member does. AND im not saying straight people's life is easier, just different and accepted openly.
I hope someday I can go to a parade. I have never cried tears of joy, but Im Im sure I will cry my heart out
Why does it feel wrong to say "I'm proud to be straight"? Is it not something to be proud of? I don't think it is. I also think you should not be proud of your orientation regardless of what you are attracted to. But. But. BUT. The last thing you should be is ashamed.
Do you think the only thing we get treated differently from straight people is not getting married? We get bullied, mistreated, and even killed. Even in the Netherlands (I'm Dutch) where homosexuals can marry, we get bullied by people and discriminated.
We are treated differnently than heterosexuals, because of the people we fall in love with, and that is wrong.
Maybe we dont have fat rights because its unhealthy. But there are numerous groups and campains that encourage people to be happy with the way they look.
If I may, there is also employment and housing discrimination, higher murder rates, higher depression rates, higher suicide rates, higher rates of homelessness... The list goes on and on. Marriage is the SMALLEST of our issues.
· 10 years ago
Yes then why try to ban gay marriage? I see more people trying to stop gay rights than i do trying to stop everything else you named.
Because in Arizona they tried to pass a bill that said anybody, business owner, government official, anybody, can discriminate against a person if they THINK that person is gay; the bill got passed by the state house and senate, and it took a governors veto to squash it. Because 20% of hate crimes occur against homosexuals, which is over 2,000 a year. Because only 18 states have laws protected against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Because an out and proud gay person is a second class citizen in the United States.
You could if you wanted to. Everyone should have a right to be prideful of whatever they are, and respected for it. Many homosexuals/bisexuals/transgendered, and others are oppressed, so it is hard to turn reality into pride. To those whose true selves are hidden, I hope things become easier, and for those who have come to terms and found their pride, let us celebrate what makes us happy!
Shouldn't we, as a society, stop coddling each other and just grow up?
Or am I living in a fantasy world?
I hope someday I can go to a parade. I have never cried tears of joy, but Im Im sure I will cry my heart out
We are treated differnently than heterosexuals, because of the people we fall in love with, and that is wrong.