Yep. And...
2. We can tax the hell out of them.
3. We can regulate their purity (ie so people don't get ripped off OR addicted to something worse than what they originally wanted)
4. We can decrease the amount of violence that the illegal drug trade causes
5. We can document people who abuse drugs and charge them higher for insurance policies
6. We can clear up jail space
1. high people driving=more death
add what you want/feel free to disagree
It's impossible to fully stop illegal activity; people will still illegally make and sell cheap drugs. But, as the guest noted, it would decrease the amount of violence, and hopefully users won't have as much of a stigma as they do now. The biggest point, for me would be the availability of care centers that can cater to addicts in a healthy, respectful way.
• As a society, people will really question our morality. Things like prostitution and drugs are seen as "bad" and "dangerous" and something you don't participate in as a good citizen. Both prostitution and drugs would be a lot safer if government regulated, but people will wonder if they want to live in a society were those things are legal. If you're talking about America, America's supposed to be this land of opportunity, freedom, and even safety because a lot of people immigrate here for security reasons, and if we legalized all drugs, we be one big step further for that image.
For that first con way up there, we could always make it illegal to do drugs and drive. I know what wouldn't solve it all but it'd help keep it down.
And the other con, just because it's legal doesn't mean you have to do it. Drinking is legal over a certain age but you don't have to to it, same with drugs and prostitutes of they did. The crime rate would go down if they were both legalized ( and I have a theory rape crimes would drop if people could pay for sex )
You can. It's called prostitution. And do you think people get raped because the rapist wanted sex? What about the whole "violence toward women" aspect?
Isn't that exactly why people rape ? They want sex and then don't take no for an answer ? ( also prostitution is illegal in the states, you can't really pay for legal sex)
Then why do they ? Also, prostitution is the same, the only difference is if it's illegal or not. Here ( united states) it isn't and if you get caught you can go to jail. I am aware people still do it, it shouldn't be illegal though. People have a right to their bodies, and before you pull the std crap, you're more likely to get HIV from a family member or bus than a hooker.
I wasn't going to pull the std crap because the std argument is crap. But living in a society with legalized prostitution would really make people wonder where America is. It's illegal because it's demeaning to the workers, and it exploits them greatly. Also, it has been proven in other countries (like Bulgaria) to expand the sex slave market, unfortunately.
this will get many dislikes but...this idea is not a working one. There is a multitude of flaws within the cons, monumentally outweighing the cons. Decrease the amount of violence... Let's talk about that.. They're high. Many drugs cause aggressive behavior and people can't make good choices as they aren't thinking straight. It would increase violence, actually. Due to this violence increase, the jail space would increase, not decrease. Also, taxing drugs would cause an economy collapse as people would become easily addicted, due to the endorphin rush and the clogging of set receptors, and many people would go into debt, buying things less, giving company's less money and eventually bringing our economy to a nation wide debt. Not to mention, the pure and simple chaos that this would cause would be overwhelming. Hundreds would probably lose their faces due to bath-salts, the accidents would be insane, and illegal activities would skyrocket. If we allow all drugs, where do we stop?!
· 10 years ago
People who think these drugs should be legal know nothing about it. I know people who lives were ruined by drugs they had films and everything but hey let's legalize stuff that ruins lives and since it's legal you won't get in trouble for having it. So no this won't help anything.
2. We can tax the hell out of them.
3. We can regulate their purity (ie so people don't get ripped off OR addicted to something worse than what they originally wanted)
4. We can decrease the amount of violence that the illegal drug trade causes
5. We can document people who abuse drugs and charge them higher for insurance policies
6. We can clear up jail space
1. high people driving=more death
add what you want/feel free to disagree
• As a society, people will really question our morality. Things like prostitution and drugs are seen as "bad" and "dangerous" and something you don't participate in as a good citizen. Both prostitution and drugs would be a lot safer if government regulated, but people will wonder if they want to live in a society were those things are legal. If you're talking about America, America's supposed to be this land of opportunity, freedom, and even safety because a lot of people immigrate here for security reasons, and if we legalized all drugs, we be one big step further for that image.
And the other con, just because it's legal doesn't mean you have to do it. Drinking is legal over a certain age but you don't have to to it, same with drugs and prostitutes of they did. The crime rate would go down if they were both legalized ( and I have a theory rape crimes would drop if people could pay for sex )