Bigger problems or not they're still not your problems so you shouldn't feel bad about having your own problems.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I feel bad for you hun, you got 99 problem but being poor ain't one.
· 10 years ago
On a more serious note, there will always be someone who has it far better and far worse than you. You take care of you and your life. Being grateful that your struggles aren't as bad as some, doesn't diminish the fact that you have them.
See you have a point, but your point is just making you worse. Depression though isn't your fault or anything; it's a condition. Just take medication. If you don't want to, try doing something like write a list of 10 good things/things you are thankful for that happened each day. OR EVEN BETTER, instead of feeling bad, use your upper middle class powers to make a difference in the lives of someone else! ie volunteer or raise money. Do something personal to improve your depression and the suffering of another=double win
Think of it this way, you can still be happy even though other people are more happy, so you can still be sad even though other people are more sad (or have it "worse off").
Depression isn't a problem, its a mental disorder. Environmental factors like wealth can sometimes only play a minimal part. It is a chemical imbalance. This imbalance can make "trivial" things seem devastating. You can't change it, and nobody should expect you to. Poor people don't "deserve" depression more than wealthy people; its a disease that can afflict anyone. Don't feel guilty. Don't feel like your "petty" problems aren't worth anybody's time. Keeping it all to yourself because you don't want to burden people with "worse" problems will only hurt and isolate you even more. If it makes you feel better about it, don't refer to the trivial things that might trigger your depression, talk about depression itself. If dropping your favorite mug made you cry for half the day, talk about how you cried half the day. In reality, the mug may have nothing to do with your sadness. I may not be in the upper middle class but I certainly understand your predicament. You deserve help and support.
It's not a contest. You get to have problems, even if other people have bigger problems. Get help. Medication, therapy, whatever helps fix it. Then if you still feel guilty about other people having bigger problems - do something to alleviate some of those too. Make donations to a food bank. Volunteer with a local educational organization.
Please don't hate on me but I can't see how a person with money can be depressed... And even then, depressed with money is better than depressed without