This is actually really really sad seeing how if his father (or mother) just died in combat they would've given the flag to the remaining parent but since they're giving it to the child that means he's lost both his parents.
(I'm not sure if it's entirely true that's just what I've been told)
The thing is, you guys can judge these posts, the "JustGirlyThings" one's but you don't know if they're talking about that situation in the lower corner. Yeah, some people's problems are bigger than others but that doesn't mean that their problems are suddenly pointless. This isn't a contest to see who's problem is worse.
The reason for this post is that you're not allowed to complain about your girly problems when young children are realizing they will never see their parent agian. If you do have real problems, then please find emotional reassurance on a website not called "JustGirlyThings".
Are you kidding me? We don't find "emotional reassurance" on a tumblr blog called JustGirlyThings. All problems are real, since when are any problems fake? Like the guest said, all problems matter. And, sweet heart "girly problems"? This JustGirlyThings post could be about ANYTHING like other guest said. Stop looking for flaws and loopholes to start arguments in everything said on this website. Xoxo
All problems are real, but some problems are really devastating. I will not back off from my statement that a website called "JustGirlyThings" will not give you solutions to that which has destroyed you. Talking to friends is nice, but talking to a professional is always better, "JustGirlyThings" is nice, but there are bigger problems then that which they present.
· 10 years ago
Omg we never said that tumblr gave us solutions I'm leaving this pointless argument
(I'm not sure if it's entirely true that's just what I've been told)