Did anyone else see his interview on Colbert? I have to say, I wasn't expecting a whole lot, but I still felt a bit let down.
Especially the part about writing at starbucks. I thought he was setting up a joke or something, but he seemed to be serious.
*boyfriend kisses me on the cheek* babe, want to...y'know...kiss on the lips? I gasp. This...this was so unexpected! But I agree anyway, knowing what will come. He starts, puckering up and leaning close, preparing to meet me half-way. While his eyes are closed, I strike, engulfing his nose and mouth in one fell swoop. I soon spread up to his entire face, then head, until I am ready to swallow. Muffled screams are being emitted by my boyfriend, but it is too late. My prey has been chosen. I am a snake in disguise.
Especially the part about writing at starbucks. I thought he was setting up a joke or something, but he seemed to be serious.
Maybe I'm not driving.
Maybe you're just imagining things.
I think it's communicating, but all I can hear are the sounds of narwhals narwhaling.