Once upon a time, I was sitting on a swing watching my little brother at his end-of-school picnic. This little motherfucker comes up to me and kicks me. I tell him WTFbroGTFO. Kicks me again. Move swings. Follows me. Gets ready to suckerpunch him in his uterus. Gets on the swing next to me and starts spinning. I'm thinking, well, can't kick me while he's doing that. Lashes out and shatters my iPod screen. Considering that he's only in 5th grade, I really wanted to break his face, but didn't want to deal with his parents, so just give him a little slap and walk away.
GIVE HIM A LITTLE SLAP? I WOULD HAVE WALLOPED THAT BITCHCUNT SO HARD HE WOULD NEED TO BE FUCKING CARRIED HOME BY HIS FUCKIN MAMA. Sorry about that. Stories like these piss me off. On e other hand, I can imagine this turned into a green text post on 4chan
You must remember that I'm a 17 year old Asian who has (relatively) conservative and peaceful parents, so doing anything more violent than telling the kid to fuck off (we must remember he's only ~11 years old) would result in my being immediately moved out.
(Only if I know them. And lightly.) yeah that makes me sound psycho... I won't really beat them the way you are probably thinking, but in the way people in my old school would accept- dragging the motherfucker by their goddamn ear/hair and politely tell their parents what a little shit they are while giving them the evil eye.
Yes you can. Not saliva or sweat or urine, but ingesting blood and sexual fluids can transmit HIV. And injecting them, but I don't know why you'd want to inject yourself with semen...
I will never let my son act that way if ever does that I will spank his butt and teach him that is not the way to act cause I won't tolerate that behavior
· 10 years ago
You'll use violence to show him that you won't tolerate violent behaviour?
you gotta beat your kids, this whole hitting is wrong campaign is bullshit, Generations have been been raised with the belt and they weren't as "uncontrollable" as these new generations.
I think that depends a lot on the family in question. I'm from Sweden, where it's illegal to beat kids, and thus, my parents never hit me once. I am fifteen years old, and part of your "new generations". I have never been in a fight, I go to school every day, never go anywhere without telling my parents, all my teachers and other adults I know have nothing but praise for me. I have straight A's, have never tried alcohol or drugs, always say thank you and never go against my parents. I have three siblings who are all the same. I have two neighbour girls who fit all the above. Most of my class does too. My parents never as much as raised their voices at me (I can literally not remember a single time they screamed at me.) or anything like that. I think that good parenting shouldn't involve hitting and hurting your children. You should be able to find other ways to get through to your child. Those who defend child beating say that it gives respect for adults. I say that it gives fear.
(And if you are going to say that not beating your kids might work in rich, white, upper-class families in wealthy Sweden, know this; When me and my older brother were small, my parents were still studying. They took the jobs they could get, but we were not rich at all. We lived in one apartment complex after another in a pretty poor city. And they never even raised their voices at us.)
This guy sounds more like a child murdering sick fuck. Like I get the whole 'Hating kids' because they're whiney. You can't seem to calm your tits. Daddy didn't love you. The kid bit you.... blah blah blah. Let the parent handle it. If they don't. Learn you some knowledge. There's no need for hurting children people.