Wrong. War starts in 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Germany and the USSR (they were buddies). Germany invades and destroys France in 1940, sieges England, and attacks the USSR. The US, with its economy in shambles, provides armaments and supplies to the USSR, England, and other forces fighting Germany and it's allies. The US joins the war in 1941 and by the end of 1942 has seized control of Africa from Germany and gained a foothold in Italy by 1943. Invasion of Normandy occurs in mid-1944. In the time the USSR pushed German forces back into Germany in early 1945, the US and GB started three more fronts and won those fronts, fought and pushed back Japan, and reached Germany less than two weeks after the USSR did.
· 10 years ago
Europe seems to forget that the US was fighting Japan at the same time as we were helping with Germany. Every country contributed to stop the Axis of Evil.
· 10 years ago
Wrong actually. The USSR only had alliance with Germany in the sense that they would not get involved in the war. Germany never really "seized" England, yes they bombed them a lot but they fought back and were never fully seized. And as for Japan yea the US was fighting Japan and Germany but the USSR did help with that front a bit as well. At least this is my understanding.
What about WW1? In WW1 Russia backed out of the war in 1917 due to the October Revolution. Red (communists/workers) and white (czarists/rich) Russians fought for the power of Russia which in turn left the rest of the allies to have to fight a war on the western front helping Germany by giving them the ability to bring all forces to their western front. Russia did little during WW1 except attempt to suppress Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire (India and other african states suppressed the Ottoman Empire with the support of the British. Americans, English, French rebels, and other rebel soldiers lead to the end of ww1. Russia didn't have as much to do with WW1.
In WWI they pulled out halfway (hehehe), and in WWII they accomplished something just by sending semi-infinite amounts of poorly-trained young people to death (just like the USA and Japan in the Pacific campaign), leaving themselves with a lack of young people at the end of the war.
· 10 years ago
HEY! We knew what was happening, and we didn't make any promises to break, sooooo
idk, something.
Hitler gave money to them to start the revolution so that Russia would be to busy to stop them.
idk, something.