Jail him. Driving stoned kills just like driving drunk. Scumbag. My biggest fear is an impaired driver killing my family. I would then have to kill all of his/her family members in retribution.
Uhhhhhhh you are much more alert when you are stoned than drunk. Lots of people have died because they are drunk no one has ever fired because they are high.
If you meanted died, YES PEOPLE HAVE DIED. If you meant fired idk what that means... But otherwise stop making stuff up to defend your drug. I know you want to justify it and honestly I don't care what potsmokers do to themselves. But what drinkers and potsmokers are doing to innocent people is horrendous. (i put a space after www to allow the link)
http://www. cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/Impaired_Driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html
Dude I don't smoke (I am guest #1) seriously I an more informed about marijuana then actual people who smoke it. I know that there are countless medical uses for it. Most forms in hemp oil which comes from the cannabis plant.
Weed is nit that bad for you as much as beer is.
http://www. cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/Impaired_Driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html
Weed is nit that bad for you as much as beer is.