Trixie and Twilight
Rarity and Applejack
Celestia and Luna
Celestia and Chrysalis
I have more. These are the ones that come to mind right now. What about you?
It think Discord/Celestia was a thing, even if it isn't now. Also, I feel like Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst are related somehow... Trixie/Twilight is good, so is Rarity/Applejack. Sparity isn't really my thing. Also, I don't ship Big Macintosh/Cheese sandwich, but their ship name is mac n' cheese so..
Trixie and Twilight
Rarity and Applejack
Celestia and Luna
Celestia and Chrysalis
I have more. These are the ones that come to mind right now. What about you?
Not all at once though.