Its not as black and white as you think. I sure as hell don't want to pay taxes to keep the very person alive who killed other people and/or children. What benefit to society does a mass murderer have? None.
But if you have two eyes, and the other has two eyes, and you take the other's eye, and they take one of your eyes, you both end up with one eye (Eye for an Eye) how is everyone blind? Ya got an eye left. Eyepatch my nigga.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
After you take your revenge,they will take revenge on your revenge,and so on.
It actually takes around 302 million dollars to kill execute someone "humanely" much more than it costs to take care of someone serving a life sentence. You should watch the john oliver "last week tonight" on the death penalty. Its kind of long but it really opens up your eyes about capital punishment. And, especially if you're a male, being in prison for life is arguably much much worse than the death penalty. Sorry for the long comment.
· 10 years ago
A bullet to the brain is fairly humane. Its over in an instant and it costs however much a bullet costs per person.
Not only to what philosophic said but we keep molesters, rapists, people that commit incest etc. alive to have medical benefits, free cable tv, showers, food etc. then they sometimes get to leave and live back among us
I like the idea of using tax money and buying an isolated island, creating a sequal to "The Lord of the Flies". No death by taxpayer accounts, and society no longer need to worry about them.
What people in the comments are saying makes sense but... just as it wasn't their place to choose who dies and who lives, it isn't anyone else's either. Also, it's against human rights. Everyone is entitled to a life, even the ones who don't seem to understand that.
· 10 years ago
You are entitled to life as long as you don't infringe on anothers entitlement to life. If the killer has the right to decide when someoneslife shall end then why in the hell doesn't the court? Personally I don't think its right for prisoners to be given free food, free shelter, free entertainment, and free healthcare. Whereas I, a law abiding citizen, must pay for their choice to break the law? Whats fair about that?
Personally, I don't believe in the death sentence. I don't think we have a right to take anyone's life away, we shouldn't have that say so. Just because they murder someone doesn't mean we get a freeby.
How is it "not right" or "not fair" to kill somebody that's killed another? What don't they deserve? They took away someone's life, career, the sense of family at home, forever left a scar on many peoples hearts, and many times, that applies multiple times because of mass murder. I can't fathom the idea that they "don't deserve" to die because "they have rights". Well, the person who died had the right to live, but if its so totally not okay to take that away, then what are we supposed to do with the killer? If we banish him (like one user suggested) he could go elsewhere and kill couldn't he? I don't see the logic behind NOT killing someone who destroys several lives, but only has to take one to do so.
· 10 years ago
Until you live through a loved one being murdered you'll never understand the pain and distress the victims' family goes through. This issue destroys lives and comparing this issue to us being uncivilized is asinine. Civilization is not based on the law on capital punishment.
· 10 years ago
Neither is hiding them away from society. In a gated area where they get 3 meals a day, free healthcare, no expenses, and free shelter and then in 30 years turn them loose on society and expect them to conform to the ever changing world. How is that humane. I talked to multiple people who went to prison in the 80's and 90's for various reasons and were released some years later to find the world entirely different. I'd love to explain to you one of the guys' confusion as to what he saw when he was first released.
· 10 years ago
Story time: I live in south africa. South Africa had an era where the "apartheid laws" were active(apartheid means seperate/seperateness) whites were the "superior" race during this time. Every other race were put in districts/townships etc to live in. But during this time the death penalty was instated. ANY race would receive the death penalty! The death penalty wasn't thrown around though. But when Nelson Mandela became president he abolished the death penalty.(I'm not saying him becoming president is a bad thing) Now let's pause for a moment, South Africa used to have an EXTREMELY low crime rate. Ever since the death penalty was abolished in SA we have become one of the WORST countries with crime issues. If you hear about people being chopped up on a daily basis it's normal, all these extreme crimes are a NORMAL thing for us. Because the criminals have nothing to fear.