Deutschland, Amerika und Russland sind wohl die drei meist gehassten Länder der Welt. Kein Wunder, sie sind nicht bei diesem Treffen. Es ist schwer, Kanada hassen, weil sie geben uns keine Gründe.
Germany, America and Russia are probably the three most hated countries in the world. No wonder they are not at this meeting. It's hard to hate Canada because they give us no reasons.
The best Google Translate has to offer.
Germany, America and Russia are probably the three most hated countries in the world. No wonder They Are not at this meeting. It's hard to hate Canada Because They give us no Reasons. Edit: cedric beat me to it. Sorry for the repetition.
Yeah, some of the francophones in Quebec aren't huge fans of Canada. There's even a secession movement going on, but it's much less popular now than it was in the nineties.
· 10 years ago
Wait what about Australia or Great Britain?
· 10 years ago
The Irish/Scottish and other European nations think that Great Britain is America. Also, the Pacific Islanders aren't too fond of Australia either.
Indonesia's not too fond of Australia either. Actually plenty of countries are pretty upset with us right now and for good reason. We've lost the plot.
· 10 years ago
I'm upset with the people who want to "stop the boats" but not with the country itself. I hope to visit someday \(^-^)/
· 10 years ago
Search up 'Hetalia Episode One Season One'This is a thing people.Countries are people in what I just told you to search up.It's hilarious.
This morning, it was made clear that Norway had recieved a terror threat from extremists in Syria, and that a attack should take place in the next couple of days. We don't know why, or who/what's the aim or target here, but hopefully - nothing will happen. We have amped up our security.
Just found this post again, and I can update you on the fact that no terrorists attack happened after the threat. In case anyeone was worried for two years.
I've lived in norther michigan, New York, Minnesota, and conneticut, been to northern Washington, and Montana. Same opinion everywhere I've been. They absolutely hate when the Canadians come down.
And think of all the other useless, talentless assholes the USA makes famous for absolutely no reason. Kardashians, Bieber, Paris Hilton, all these cunts and dicks that are only famous for being rich and famous. Fuck them. Canada doesn't do that. Because we're sensible.
Sorry about Rwanda It didn't know about the genocide. Oops.But for the rest of them, kiss me if I'm wrong they don't have any haters other than yourself and most people over the age of 65 (assuming that your younger) who live within a thirty mile radius of Yogi Bear.
If you life in the northern us you often hate Canadian visitors. They come here to shop and save money on sales tax. (While telling you they like high taxes to pay for "free" healthcare) They litter in every mall/plaza parking lot and they drive like maniacs. Speak softly and politely while doing it too, it is merely a facade, the stereotype was started by Canadians to allow them to get away with anything. Just like Nermal, cute, cuddly and evil.
The best Google Translate has to offer.
That "GERMAN" of zachg was pretty terrible.
I don't think zachg is bilingual. There are a lot of grammatical errors and it sounds a lot like Google Translator