What a bunch of pathetic propaganda. I'm a farmer and I can tell you, insecticides that are WORSE for you go onto organic crops. That's because you're only allowed to use all-natural chemicals on your crops, and they're worse than the heavily regulated and manufactured ones. While on this topic, studies show there is literally NO benefit in organic over non-organic food, or if there is any it's so insignificant that it doesn't show.
As a farmer, you know this, but for the benefit of everyone else:
Compared in equal measure, "Organics" are less effective, but often equally toxic and therefore require more of the substance to be used. Thus making it even more toxic.
Wikipedia and 2 minutes of fact checking tells me Zyklon B is only used in shitty parts of Czechoslovakia. By jove, it appears some nefarious ne'er-do-well has lied on the internet!
Compared in equal measure, "Organics" are less effective, but often equally toxic and therefore require more of the substance to be used. Thus making it even more toxic.