Yo, I'm atheist but I still believe everyone deserves respect. Waiting for "butt hurt Christians" is not ok because while Christianity might not be something you value deeply (it isn't something I value deeply) others do. Just lay off a little on the people trying to stick up for their beliefs will you?
Me too!! I am a Christian, but I have more respect for atheists like this guest than I do for judgmental Christians. I think it was Ghandi who said: "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
I just like it when everybody minds their own business, so many problems in this world would disappear if everyone kept to themselves. You don't need to hate and kill just because your neighbor believes something different.
Alright, so I did some research. It was taken out of context-it turns out, it was only talking about being unclean-so clean up your crap after you've finished, which seems pretty self explanitory to me haha!
Isn't pretty much everything in the bible taken out of context?! That's how Westboro Baptists manage to to justify what they do. I'm not saying all religious folk are bad..but it does seem to be a book that people have taken many different readings from..
(I'm the guest who did the research)
So, yes other guest, of course a lot of people take things out of context from the Bible, and I hate that Christians now have a label now because of it. But the Christians that do that are the ones that everyone achknowledges-an now ALL Christians are judged wrongly just because a couple Christians read it wrong and have to shove it in people's faces, an it's wrong that they do that.
Why has it suddenly become "acceptable" to bash Christians? We're just people and just like every other cultural group some of us are asshole but most of us are fine
· 10 years ago
Are you saying that the only group of people to be bashed is Christians, because it definetly is not
I NEVER said that. I'm just saying for some reason it seems "acceptable" to bash Christians but not gays, Jews, etc. YOU SHOULDN'T BASH ANYONE. but if a show like the Simpsons or Family Guy ever did that they would get in trouble but they get away with this crap
· 10 years ago
Exactly, because it is SATIRE. Its supposed to make fun of people and thing and trends.
my roommates watch a ton of Simpsons and I hardly ever see them bashing Muslims and Jews. not that it's okay but they only bash Christians (if you're only looking at religion) although I heard they also made fun of Hindus or Buddhists I'm not sure which but that's not cool either
Let's see, by my calculations if your Christian only the things that are in the New Testament apply. Jesus came and saved us from the wrongs of the Old Testament. The New Testament gives us the rules to live by, anything in the old is simply not applicable.
See also: Leviticus and Numbers.
So, yes other guest, of course a lot of people take things out of context from the Bible, and I hate that Christians now have a label now because of it. But the Christians that do that are the ones that everyone achknowledges-an now ALL Christians are judged wrongly just because a couple Christians read it wrong and have to shove it in people's faces, an it's wrong that they do that.