Are you kidding me? My ghetto mom would beat that bitch down!
· 10 years ago
Waiting for a feminists comment about how unfair this test was or some other BS.
· 10 years ago
Hi. Feminist here. I believe this is an important experiment and message. Do you know why? It's because I believe in equality between the sexes. Domestic abuse hurts everyone. Now if you could get that stick out of your ass, maybe we could focus on fixing problems.
· 10 years ago
Equality is dead. Theirs no such thing as equality, I have no idea how people can't understand that. All this is doing is separating people more. I'm a guy and I'm treated and seen differently than other guys so why is it such a bad thing for women to be seen differently? Its okay for you to be an individual but God forbid someone treat you any different than another person. Everyone will always treat you differently. Get over it.
Philosophic, equality doesn't mean that everyone gets treated exactly the same regardless of individual differences. It means that everyone is given a fair chance regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, family status, etc. Just because you're pessimistic, doesn't mean that we should stop working to overcome systematic barriers.
wwhhaatt aaww men rice pudding is a girl i thought we could be homies whyyyyyy
· 10 years ago
So what you're looking for is along the same lines of if I want to become a male model in my current state and be in Calvin Klein or whatever I have the same chance as Channing Tatum? What about taxes? Adults get breaks in taxes for marriage and/or having children. Should taxes be the same for everyone? It'd be equal. It's like this morning going to work. I went to a gas station to get some stuff and going to the register I saw a woman cut in line infront of multiple people, demand cigarettes. The clerk refused and asked her to go to the back of the line. She refused claiming he refused service because of her race (hispanic) and went into a rant about white people. Now how fair is that? She seperated herself from others just the same as the feminist movement. Its never been an issue until someone brings it up as an issue. You're seperating yourselves from other people to support equality? Its an oxymoron to the fullest extent.
· 10 years ago
Philosophic, what on earth are you on about? You missed the point entirely. Go back and read my post again, and come back when you understand it.
· 10 years ago
And you've missed what I've said. You and I will never be able to agree we might as well drop it now before this goes on forever.
@philosophic- what ricepudding said was a "fair chance" not the same chance, there's difference. Also, the lady you were referring to at the gas station was just an asshole, and not relevant to the topic.
· 10 years ago
Philosophic, here's a more appropriate analogy about equality. Say that there are two men who both want to be models. They are both gorgeous and have equivalent experience. One of the men doesn't get hired because the agent doesn't like that he's Jewish. Laws are then enacted which prevent discrimination based on religion. The next job interview is successful. Do you see how that's different from an ugly man and an attractive man competing for the job? You're focusing on individual differences, when equality happens at a group level.
· 10 years ago
Their are laws against that yes but to give you another example: my grandparents run a hotel in my home town and one of the tenants is a man named Dennis. Dennis was in a motorcycle accident that diminished his self worth and his looks. He has been unemployed due to his accident and has been looking for a job. My grandfather has allowed him to work for his rent so that he still can look for a job. He applied to a factory job and they turned him down. My grandfather wondering why they turned him down asked the interviewer. The interviewer told him that he wasn't hired because he couldn't use a tape measure. Now he helped my grandfather for months and I've worked alongside him and he can measure better than I can and knows more about things than my Grandfather at time. He wasn't hired because of his looks. They can give excuses as to why they aren't hired and never say the full reason.
· 10 years ago
Philosophic, ugly people are not a defined marginalized group. That's too subjective. I'm sorry that the guy wasn't hired, but it still has nothing to do with social justice. It's true that sometimes employers cheat by making other excuses. It's still better than nothing.
What's sad is that neither women OR men stood up for the guy. Think of how men in abusive situations feel, no one to stand up for them, and laughed at if they try and speak out. Women need to stand up for men and women in this situation, and men need to stand up for men and women in this situation. Getting rid of domestic violence is not a battle that can be fought for only some.
I think we should find another term for this rather than "gender equality". It CAN'T be equality, because we're different, it's just impossible to be treated all the same, and you know what I mean.
It would be something more like gender "justice". Giving everyone not the same treatment, but one that is fair and rational to each individual.
I think I wouldn't take the second scenerio seriously just because to me it looks like he can easily push her away. I'd say most men are physically stronger and taller so it is harder for a woman to overpower a man
fair point but some men wouldnt want to cause a scene or would be so mentally abused and scared that they just take the hits and stuff. Or maybe they dont want to hurt their partner. Or maybe if he pushes her back he thinks people will get invloved (like the first senario.) My point is yeah he COULD push her back but that doesnt make her hitting him any better.
That's the dumbest experiment whatsoever. Oh, hey! Let's create an alarming situation and then show everyone that it's not real and then recreate the same alarming situation (but with a role reversal) right afterwards at exactly the same spot!
Guys can be feminists as well, because feminism is about the fair and just treatment of both sexes. However, though it started out as a women's rights movement (hence the female oriented name), that aimed for this noble goal, it has since deteriorated into irrational complaints about imaginary problems and delusions, and no longer aims to reach its original goals.
We don't know the details of the experiment. However I know, (and I realize its wrong) that I would probably act differently if I saw a guy slapping a girl vs. a girl slapping a guy.
Guys I've been thinking and I think I know why ppl think violence to men is funny.You see women usually are always the ones in ALL the movies and vids n stuff 2 usually get the fight started right???So yeah ppl portray this as them just in another fight bc they might have weird relationship.And because men are AWLWAYS the perverts and ALWAYS the ones abusing women in ALL the movies they think that is very abusive.Also there were kinda women around but I don't think that does anything.Also women help women in the movies......Men help women in the help men in the movies.....but sometimes women don't help the men.Also soOOOOOOoooooOooooo many ppl think men overtake women that means men are lots an lots and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS seriously err they're not that much stronger....So yeah my view on it.Very Saad Maan
This is *off topic*. I have gotten to the point where I recognize you even if you are a guest, because of the way you type. It would be good if you used more spaces, specially after periods and commas.
It might not seem important, but it really makes it easier to read, even more if the comments tent to be long.
That's bcuz he can take care of himself. He's not defenseless. He just chooses to be a little bitch. There's nothing anyone can do about that besides himself.
· 10 years ago
Calm down guest. You're just a troll. Just by reading the rest of your comments its easy to see you purposely say things to cause arguments.
Domestic violence is not okay regardless of gender.
Being "a little bitch" as you so eloquently put it, does not diminish the fact that someone is being hurt.
It would be something more like gender "justice". Giving everyone not the same treatment, but one that is fair and rational to each individual.
It is at the same spot, because it says they set the camera there. And you can see there's different people. Even there, laying.
It might not seem important, but it really makes it easier to read, even more if the comments tent to be long.
Being "a little bitch" as you so eloquently put it, does not diminish the fact that someone is being hurt.