Technically no, thanks to the wording of the law cameras are only illegal inside the chaging area (which is not just the cubicles but the whole room they're in. That camera looks to be just outside the room but installed in such a way that it can see in.
A lot of changing rooms say they are monitored for security reasons. With a little sign. It isnt illegal. Not where i live at least.
· 10 years ago
I'm not sure how Australian laws are but from my knowledge they are much stricter in many areas compared to the US but I'm sure this would still be illegal.
· 10 years ago
I am Australian and I can tell you that is illegal.
I work at a Kmart (in australia) and we have heaps if these around the store - they're actually fake.. The only real ones are the cameras that don't have a cover on them (that look like actual video recorders) I only know this as a customer complained a few years ago and the store had to admit to her they weren't real - they're only there to put would be robbers off :)