I don't exactly want to give this thumbs up because I don't *like* the information given, but this is very informative and I sincerely appreciate your sharing this. Thank you.
This is very subjective, but it is true. Al-Bagdadi is doing a very bad job, he says he is the ''messiah'' of the muslims. The islamic society has rejected his state as the ''Islamic Khilafah'', just because of the way he is getting his power. Murder is not allowed, even when they are ''not-religious''. Even our Phophet has said that living with people from other believes or race is something good! Muslims are no racist, and thats why he is a dumbfuck.
The thing is, the U.S can easily wipe out these guys. The only problem is that civilian casualties will be so high and too "unmoral" (morals will never be applied to war, civilians die whether through accidents or intended murder) using this alternative way, that even propaganda and oppression of the media won't be able to hide it.
Someone can deserve something, but that doesn't ever make t the right thing to do. Revenge does nothing, and to sink to their level is every bit as disgusting and animal as what they do. Don't ever let me hear you say that again.
When have humans ever something right. Revenge is part of our nature. It's a necessity. And I swear I'd do everything I could to make them wish they were dead, I'd torture them till the end of their days. It's just what humans do to sleep better at night. We have to know our enemies are in pain.
God will sort them out in the end. They're ALL in for a rude awakening on judgement day when sends them straight to hell. :) Killing people? Pretty sure that's sinful, not to mention suicide, and suicide WHILE killing others. :/ No terrorists in heaven! :D That's what I'm waiting for, my reward for being a faithful christian. :)
I think most of us know. Don't worry about that! They are just extremist. All religions have people that take things to the extreme
· 10 years ago
I don't know if you've noticed but for the first time in forever they've labeled them as their groups name, not their religion or race. Gives me hope for our future.
Well said. This post is very appreciative. I'm originally from there, so it's so heartbreaking to know that my ancestors history is now destroyed, and my brothers and sisters are being excuted for having a different faith than ISIS... That's if they have faith. I highly doubt excuting, taking over properties, raping women, and forcing citizens to convert to Islam is faith. You forgot to mention that whoever is a Christian, they write the letter N on their homes. N stands for Christian and it's written so that they are treated worse than others for being Christians.
I was in Iraq, in 03' and again in 05' I didn't really do a whole lot, but I was there. I was in Baghdad and Mosul for a year in both locations. While there, I was witness to some of the most kind people in the world, and the most depraved. In both instances I never once thought that it because of their religion. The people of the fertile crescent, are just that. People. the same kind of people that you could meet anywhere, New York, Berlin, Tokyo the people are the same. They do have the means and the courage to fight back against the ISIS but they won't because they are scared. It is unfortunate but they are going need a symbol of hope that they can ALL rally around and defiantly say 'No More' but that won't happen. Not until the Muslims of those nations can get past the tribal mind set they have been stuck in for thousands of years. Until then, America and the other nations of the world that come to help will still be invaders as we were in 03'.
As a muslim myself, I have to say this: Islam is a religion of PEACE. We are encouraged to live peacefully amongst people of other beliefs and religions. Murder, theft, discrimination - they're all forbidden in Islam, as well as trying to force people into converting to Islam. I just had to say this in case someone reads this post and assumes all muslims are power-hungry, murderous psychopaths.
Everyone should notice that ISIS aren't Muslims at all if they do something like this, because everything they do is against Islam itself. So don't think of these people are real Muslims.
· 10 years ago
I know how you feel, all we can do is pray and donate $ ;(
I'm curious as to your guy's opinion on this... What if Obama used nuclear weapons on key cities/areas of Iraq? I know it was the 40's (different time, etc), but Truman nuked two cities after a declaration of war... why not do that again? Japan wasn't (isn't) a country beset by terrorism, yet Truman made the choices he made. Now, BY NO MEANS am I advocating killing innocent civilians, but this (situation, terrorism, etc) is FAR worse than Japan ever was.
If you feel strongly one way or the other concerning my question, please be respectful. I'm just your average 25-year-old pondering things. :)
America was the only country with nuclear capability at the time so there was no chance of retaliation. However nowadays there are thousands of nuclear missiles all over the world and it would set a very dangerous precedent to actually use one. This is why the cold war happened, both sides were scared of being nuked.
Good point, although I wonder if ISIS has the capability to acquire a nuke. All sorts of Mission Impossible movies, and countless video games, says there is. :/
Well, even if they do, they don't have the military infrastructure like we do, so piloting them effectively and using the other equipment of ours won't be too much of a threat. Doesn't our military have 'fail buttons' on certain military weapons? If they fall into the wrong hands, we could just push the button? Boom. Perhaps not, 'cause we had to blow up our blackhawk manually in Pakistan during Bin Laden's compound raid. :/
The fail buttons do not exist, although most missiles and nuclear bombed alert military HQ when activated and HQ can abort mission, which just shuts off the richest main power source, causing it to not be able to fly and fall to the ground wherever it is.
Even if the US would nuke Iraq or Syria, how many poeple would stand up on this and protest, even terrorists (al qaida?) would do something to ''avenge''..
Im not justifying what they are doing, but aren't the israelis doing more or less the same thing to the people in palestine?
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
For every israelian that dies, more than 25 palestinians die. They have much more capacity of war than Palestine. Not choosing a side is hard, when Israel bombs the whole place down for the kidnap of 3 boys. Everyday how many people die in palestine because of the soldiers that are murdering and for what? I see Palestinians suffer a thousand times more than Israelians. Look it up, it'll break your heart..
· 10 years ago
English isnt my mothertongue, sorry for the bad grammar and stuff,, ;P
Know that Israel has been under siege for forty years or more and has finally had enough. I heard tell of a bus load of Jews on pilgrimage to the holy land. The bus load was waylaid by armed Palestinian militants. They announced that they were to machine gun the bus load of Jews. The Jews convinced the dirty hajiis that they should allow the children to disembark and not suffer the fate of the adults. Once the children were safely off the bus the door was barricaded. The adult Jews then watched in horror as the Palestinian dogs beat the children to death then smashed the children's heads into mush with their rifle butts and boots. The adult Jews were left alive to warn others that all the Jews would be systematically killed and Jerusalem would become Muslim property once again. I read this account almost ten years ago and it still haunts me, the hajiis deserve no mercy. They need to be sent to the prophet. Kilo Tango Alpha.
And people thought pulling out would be a good idea.
I've said it a million times, withdrawing our forces only invigorated and inspired the enemies of the free world.
Actually, if you had read the posts above, you would have seen that these people are not truly muslim. They are simply murderers looking for something to cloak themselves in. Hitler did the same thing with Christianity
If you feel strongly one way or the other concerning my question, please be respectful. I'm just your average 25-year-old pondering things. :)
I've said it a million times, withdrawing our forces only invigorated and inspired the enemies of the free world.