Replace the "would" with a "must", son. Sometimes the pain so excruciating you can't even move, and yet some women try their damnedest to "ignore" it and continue with the day.
My sisters faint with the pain, and I know I've come close, don't see it as a weakness at all though. Just gotta push through the pain so no one knows it's your time of the month!
That's how I am. I know some people who's period is hell. Other then being more tired and some nausea, I'm pretty much normal. The trade off though, was pregnancy hell. So watch out for that.
We can all be like "yeah period cramps are worse than a kick in the balls" in here but let me tell you this: pain is measure in del. A normal human being is able to bear 45 dels. Labour feels like up to 57 del (that equals the pain of 20 bones fracturing at the same time!) Now consider the following: a kick in the nuts may cause pain up to 9000 yes 9000(!) Dels. A hard kick in the balls can cause epileptic attacks and temporary blindness
9000? When labor feels like 57? I'm interested in where you got this "fact". Anyway, you can't test for pain. That's why the have the pain scale. That's why when you go to a doctor an say you're back hurts, they can't test you for pain, only a possible source. You can't even hook up nerve endings to an electrode and measure the output to the brain of detecting pain, (electromyography or nerve conduction study.)
Besides, pain is incredibly subjective. What one would classify as the worst pain ever, another would only rate as distressing.
Yes, a kick to the balls can be excruciating. But trying to compare it to cramps isn't really doable. Period cramps are comparable to food poisoning cramps. And anyone can get food poisoning.
A comparison of a kick to the balls vs labor is on a more even level. But labor still lasts for hours vs the single event of being kicked. And yes, labor can cause epilepsy and blindness as well.
The thing about pain is that scientists don't know if we feel or the same way or have the same tolerance. I believe there was a video done by ASAP science that talks about pregnancy vs getting kicked in the balls. I also believe in that video they more or less 'debunked' the pain scale the guest is referring to. From personal experience I can barely get blood drawn without passing out whereas my younger sister had to get a spinal tap and cried for maybe 5 minutes. So I believe everyone feels pain differently or at least have different tolerances.
What makes you think you can't measure impulses deriving from the nociceptors? And of course you can detect pain in the brain; they are nerve impulses like any other.
Because I know they are not detectible on a nerve conduction study. I work at a neurology office, where we do several every day. It's a common complaint that they don't measure pain, just the damage of nerves.
And a person can detect pain, yes, because of nerve fibers and cells and all that. But there is no way to measure that or detect it with diagnostic testing.
Why can't people just admit both genders have different versions of major pain instead of trying to prove that one feels more pain than the other. Neither gender can prove one which is worse because no one can understand both sides of this arguement, so how do you prove you're right? You can't, so let's just calm down and keep scrolling.
Nope. Wrong. A period cramp feels like twisted rope. Lots of jiggling and a bit of pressure would actually feel a bit good. Though heat works too. I sit in the hot tub a certain way and it feels so soothing.
Try getting kicked in the balls I'm sure it's relatable. Women think it hurts your testicals but actually you feel it in your lower abdomen and it's close to paralyzing
Whats that? You're too scared to try doing it? Well we dont have a fucking choice.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Yeah! Because we don't have a choice, but you guys bring the 'kicked in the balls' on yourselves. No girl wakes up and says, "hmm, I wanna bleed out of my fucking vagina today." I'm not mad, just saying!
Besides, pain is incredibly subjective. What one would classify as the worst pain ever, another would only rate as distressing.
Yes, a kick to the balls can be excruciating. But trying to compare it to cramps isn't really doable. Period cramps are comparable to food poisoning cramps. And anyone can get food poisoning.
A comparison of a kick to the balls vs labor is on a more even level. But labor still lasts for hours vs the single event of being kicked. And yes, labor can cause epilepsy and blindness as well.
And a person can detect pain, yes, because of nerve fibers and cells and all that. But there is no way to measure that or detect it with diagnostic testing.