Wow.....this girl is seriously stupid.........
And I mean,cmon.who lives off of nuts?!?I mean nuts are good and all but it isn't very healthy of her to be living off of them :/
I think she is allowed her opinion just like everyone else. you don't have to call her stupid. If thats what she believes then just let her believe it.
Uhhhh what? If she believes we're 99% alike to every animal, then we should just let her not be properly educated?
· 10 years ago
mares96, when someone's opinion is based on bullshit like "we share 99% of our DNA with every animal" and "toddlers can be fed only almond milk and survive", it's essential that other people call bullshit.
She also is "asexual", identifies as a "squirrelkin", refuses to breast-feed her future kids because it objectifies women (also, almond milk is vegan and gluten-free, so way better for a baby's health), and got kicked out of her mother's house because she discovered her mom had had steak and got furious.
I'm actually so angry that the public opinion on vegans, bisexuals AND feminists is shaped after this kind of mentally unstable Tumblr whores.
Wait...she said almond milk is better for babies than breast milk? or you did? either way that's wrong. not even supposed to give babies nuts until around 2.
Yeah. I agree she's batshit, but asexuality is a thing. A very marginalized and underrepresented thing.
· 10 years ago
It's in quotes because I quote her, and because I do not believe any word she says about her identity. I guess 90% of her shit is attention whoring, hey look I'm so non-conformist please love me.
One main point in biology. Many simple creatures hold more chromosomes than humans and share similar DNA, but it is the way our bodies make use of that DNA and form genetic codes which sets us apart from animals and other living organisms.
Why is it that on the internet it's perfectly acceptable to say that "vegetarians and vegans are WRONG! They can't choose what they consume! Meat!!!!!!", but it's unacceptable to say meat is bad? I'm not justifying the latter, but how about we just eat what they want, and stop arguing.
Some people are vegetarian not because of PETA or animal rights, which is an admirable reason, but because eating lower of the food chain gives you more energy. If you've taken any elementary biology class you will know that as you go higher on the food chain you lose 90% of the energy. Since I'm talking biology here, if you look at our teeth and digestive system we share way more similarities with plant eaters then carnivores. We are meant to be around 85% vegetarian and 15% carnivore.
Bullshit. Protein and fat are much more energy dense than carbohydrates. Where do you find the most protein and fat; Meat, that's right. So you should probably report your teacher for being a fucking cretin.
And I mean,cmon.who lives off of nuts?!?I mean nuts are good and all but it isn't very healthy of her to be living off of them :/
I'm actually so angry that the public opinion on vegans, bisexuals AND feminists is shaped after this kind of mentally unstable Tumblr whores.
Im sorry but the