My brothers tied me to a tree and tickled me until I peed my pants.
· 10 years ago
A group of my family members was once talking to one of my cousins on the phone and he suddenly said, "Guys, I gotta go. Austin (his brother) and I locked Shannon (their sister) in the closet and she's starting to scream."
When I was six my brother stole my pants, put me in a jacket backwards so I couldn't get out, locked me in the backyard at night during winter, threw knives at me, and then told my parents that I had done that to myself.
You guys have fucked up families. I am the older brother and I haven't done any of the shit some of yall are claiming older brothers do. I did break my yonder sisters collar bone but it was an accident but it was both our faults
Well there's this thing called horsing around and playing with your siblings and having fun and friendly sibling torture. I guess that's just what fucked up familes do though according to you
The rest: Reality