“I belong, and my penis, it be long. ”
— thealmightypenis Report User
You started it 7 comments
· 10 years ago
This is for sure the beginning of a porno.
Well put 24 comments
Exercising 2 comments
· 10 years ago
After at least 4 weeks it starts to stay that way. The first 4 weeks are generally your muscles breaking down, after that its growth.
Picking up the check! 4 comments
Puberty strikes again 10 comments
Marshawn vs the NFL. 14 comments
Marshawn vs the NFL. 14 comments
· 10 years ago
As long as the dick grabs keep getting me wins in fantasy football, i dont care.
So I thought y'all needed some feels today 11 comments
Modern art needs kill 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Actualy a street artists named banksy has had his "graffiti" sold for millions of dollars in auctions. they would legit take down entire walls for his works.
What happens when you're too lazy to get up 6 comments
The first line of code ever written by a U.S. President was moveForward(100); 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I think its a great way to learn. I just hate the fact that they used frozen.
Someone get him some ointment for that burn 5 comments
Seth rogen testifiees before congress about alzheimers share everywhere! 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Side comment: there is such a lack of awareness that if you look at the actual seats of congress, they're all empty. I don't generally care for this kind of stuff but it is a big issue that should be spread! So please ppl, please post this to any social media possible!
Police cars around the world 15 comments
I Can't Think A More Fearful Creature 15 comments
Adventures with a Dog 15 comments
Best fanfic ever! 30 comments
For anyone feeling blue. Here is some music 3 comments
· 10 years ago
That's an awesome guitar gif, not music. But i'm actually listening to snuff by slipknot while looking at this.