Or to come at it from a different angle:
-Let's expect white people to do everything
-Let's complain about white people not getting enough done for everyone else.
I don't see anybody bitching about the Chinese or Indians, and that's HALF the world's population.
Or, maybe...just maybe...it has something to do with pharmaceutical companies not wanting to invest where they will most likely not see a monetary gain.
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm not agreeing with the guest but there is a shit load of racism towards white people everywhere in Africa. Almost every place in Africa has a story of how they either had a white genocide or how white people were "ruling them" and they stood up for it. Granted it's true but now think real hard. Really hard, as soon as the white people were taken out of power from these countries what happened to them? I'm not saying because the whites were there it's better what I'm saying is that the people in charge have no clue what they're doing because they were never trained.But who was trained, who was educated before the black man? I rest my case. I am not a racist I'm looking at it from a factual P.O.W
more people under minorities should get into decision making roles because to be factual the ones in decision making roles do not have them in interest. And keep minorities from education=decision making roles because of the lack of interest
-Let's expect white people to do everything
-Let's complain about white people not getting enough done for everyone else.
I don't see anybody bitching about the Chinese or Indians, and that's HALF the world's population.