I think people are more likely to be self conscious about their weight than about their smoking so there's more of a chance you'd insult them by bringing up their weight...
Do you honeslty think that people who drink, smoke, chew, or are fat don't already know how unhealthy it is? Do we really need to constantly remind others what they're doing is wrong? Fuckin hell people just let people be themselves and fuck everyone else. Quit worrying yourself with what others are doing and live your own lives.
Everyone e is free to be as unhealthy as they wish. However, second hand smoke affects my health, drinking and driving affects my safety, and other people choose g to lead unhealthy lifestyles raises my I Sudan e costs. So it's not a personal choice. Unhealthy lifestyles definitely affect others.
Guest nobody is defending drunk driving, obviously. This is about LEGAL vices so stop adding shit onto other people's arguments it's unfair to the person you're arguing with.
Of course there is such a thing as second hand fat. Children of fat parents are so much more likely to grow up fat themselves; obviously this is due to genetics, diet and exercise levels.
^^^^^ also maybe we don't want to see our generation turn into the first generation to die younger than our parents. Average life rate for people who are overweight is mid-forty's
Precisely!! The best way to create a healthier future, not just for ourselves, is to start now.
· 10 years ago
1. No one can put on weight from being in the same room as someone who is overeating, so there is no such thing as second hand fat. Anything else is a shifting the goalposts.
2. The "first generation to die younger than their parents" thing has no evidence behind it, at all. Also, your "mid-forty's" life expectancy is completely made up.
3. A number of recent studies have found that overweight people actually live slightly longer than normal weight people (by the BMI scale), and the group with the shortest life expectancy are the underweight, not the obese.
I'd like some links to those studies. And yes, those stats may be somewhat made-up, but the case of parents being over-weight affecting their children is completely true.
Okay, granted, those studies do hold some water, but at the same time, they're based on being overweight according to your BMI, which we've long established to be inaccurate. Hell, according to my BMI, I'm overweight, but if you look at me, you'd think I wasn't eating enough. The same is true for a lot of my friends.
And I believe they were talking about moderately overweight people in the studies.
· 10 years ago
Yes, the BMI scale is basically useless, but it's still used extensively, even by doctors. Also, that study doesn't disprove the others as the article claims; on average all categories of overweight (including obese and morbidly obese) people have a higher risk of premature death, but overweight people still have a longer average life expectancy, these are two different things being measured and to conflate them is either ignorant or deliberately misleading.
The statistics I've seen indicate quite clearly that the greatest life expectancy is for overweight people, followed by normal weight, then obese, then morbidly obese, then underweight with the lowest.
I think your point about the underweight people is completely relevant. People sometimes complain about fat people and forget about skinny ones. I think people need to start realizing what health means, there is a balance between too fat and too thin, and nowadays people are stepping far over the line.
· 10 years ago
I dunno about you, but in my area smokers are super sensitive to criticism. If you so much as cough near them, they'll glare or go on a rant.
In my area we purposely cough when walking past to make them feel guilty that we have to inhale their second hand smoke, even though they never react or care
meriem98 that is just rude. If someone is smoking in a nonsmoking area then just ask them politely to put it out or to move. All but one that I've asked have graciously complied. If they're in a smoking area and you're standing downwind that's on you. And people don't realize that by obnoxiously fake coughing you're making asthmatics like me, who really do react violently to second hand smoke, look like an ass. I've even been yelled at by a smoker who was following the law to knock off my "theatrics", but once I pulled out my inhaler he apologized and put out his cigarette even though he was in a smoking area. Grow up.
Well i am smoker and whenever i have a cigar i'm trying to avoid people because i know how iritating the smoke can be so can you people just let it go?
I'm an asthmatic and very sensitive to smoke but if someone is in a designated smoking area or just way off to the side where other people won't inhale their smoke I see no reason to complain or try to humiliate them by purposely coughing. Their life choices are none of my business and most smokers I've had to say something to (because they started smoking upwind form me in a non smoking area when I was there first.) have just politely put it out or gone somewhere else.
2. The "first generation to die younger than their parents" thing has no evidence behind it, at all. Also, your "mid-forty's" life expectancy is completely made up.
3. A number of recent studies have found that overweight people actually live slightly longer than normal weight people (by the BMI scale), and the group with the shortest life expectancy are the underweight, not the obese.
I never claimed otherwise, but it's still not comparable to second hand smoke. Here's a few links about life expectancy:
The statistics I've seen indicate quite clearly that the greatest life expectancy is for overweight people, followed by normal weight, then obese, then morbidly obese, then underweight with the lowest.