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· 10 years ago
Can we chill out about this yet? This only happened to a few people.
· 10 years ago
It will only happen if you either a) put in in your front pockets and they are too small and you crush your phone or b) if you go out of your way to physically bend you phone (if you do this you are a fucking idiot)
· 10 years ago
Like some people are saying, anything will bend if you want it to bend
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· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
It's the fact that the phone will easily bend if you only use a little pressure. They've done comparisons where they bend the Iphone 6 and then try to bend a Samsung Galaxy. The Iphone bends in half with little effort while the Galaxy doesn't bend at all even with a lot of pressure. You shouldn't have to worry about your phone bending when you put it in your pocket.
· 10 years ago
You are completely wrong. The iPhone 6+ has some minor bending and that is with some serious intentional force applied. The standard iPhone 6 does not bend, and even preformed better the most other cell phones its size in the bend test. Stop using the word 'fact' when you are basing your information on internet hearsay. Nice use of the word 'they' though to try and prove your bullshit facts, you moron.
· 10 years ago
To clarify I could careless about the iPhone, just can't stand morons.
· 10 years ago
Oh yeah, because the phone easily being bent entirely in half is "minor bending." And I literally only used the word 'fact' one time. I'm not basing my information on internet hearsay, I'm basing it on actual research that I've done because I was interested in the issue. And I said 'they' because I didn't feel like using MLA citation to show where I've gotten my information from. I was just generally saying 'they' to refer to the different websites and such I looked at. And I think it's funny how I'm apparently the moron when you can't even have a civilized debate to prove your point. It's called 'ad hominem', hun. Look it up.
· 10 years ago
Oh, and by the way, to say you could 'careless' about something means you do care about it. I believe the phrase you're looking for is, "I couldn't care less." With a space between 'care' and 'less' because in this instance they're two separate words. You're welcome.
· 10 years ago
Please share with me just one link that shows the iPhone 6+ being easily bent in half. Misuse of the word fact just once is all that is needed to take the credibility out of your comment. Saying your comment is based on actual research implies that you have something(anything) that proves your statements. You're not writing a term paper so you can drop the 'I didn't feel like using MLS citation' bullshit, all you need to provide is just one legitimate link. Here's is an example. Admittedly my typing was a bit too quick which left me without a space between care and less, as for defending my use of the term you can refer to this article:
· 10 years ago
You're a moron because you're jumping on internet bandwagon bullshit that has not been substantiated. The iPhone 6+ (or any smart phone for that matter) will not bend in half unless some serious forces outside of normal use are intentionally applied. Next time try to educate yourself a little more first and don't add to the problem.
· 10 years ago
If you don't have a bent one, they'll also make a nice coaster.
· 10 years ago
Not with that protruding camera they don't.
· 10 years ago
Hmm..your right! Pancake flipper?
· 10 years ago
10/10 would reuse and recycle iPhone this way.