Or by a dinosaur. Dinosaurs laid eggs long before birds did, cause they existed before birds did. So did fish, but that's a bit different egg - it doesn't have the calcium layer for reinforcement and stuff. And insects also lay eggs.
God Is not the answer evolution is. Maybe the bird evolved to a chicken through the egg but the bird would have to have chicken features, to breed a dinar protege. But the baby chick would be slightly different. It didn't wake up a chicken. Evolution took care of that.
According to science, the egg came first because a chicken-like bird had an offspring with mutation in it's DNA. That mutation caused it to have its chicken characteristics and appearance. I'm ten years old and I know that -.-
(Hi it's the same ten year old as before)
This question has no actual answer, okay? No one is old enough to remember when, how, and why the egg or chicken came first.
Common sense people.
Ok? If a snake lays an egg it's a snake egg, not whatever comes out of the egg. So something that isn't a chicken laid an egg, a chicken came out then the chicken laid the first chicken egg. So the chicken was first.
I'll stop when someone can actually explain how I'm wrong instead of just saying herp derp evolution.
· 10 years ago
I think it works the following way, please correct me if I'm wrong :
Random mutations can happen in a genetic code, and very often, it happens when a sperm or an egg cell is "damaged". If the mutation is viable, it gives birth to an individual that can have different characteristics than his species'. If the mutation strongly impacts the newborn being, and if he can manage to reproduce and pass his genetic code to its breed, then we call it a new species. In that way, the animal that gave birth to the first "chicken" (or chicken-like animal) was most probably not a chicken.
Still, I guess the distinction between close species is more subtle, so that the "egg and chicken" stuff is more like a joke for people who understand evolution better than we do.
· 10 years ago
On a side note, I love how nearly every comment in this thread gets negative ratings. Nobody agrees with nobody, I love this.
Yes orgy, that's how it works. The problem is whether that egg is considered a chicken egg or an egg from the species that laid it. Black science guy is saying some other species laid a chicken egg, I'm saying that even though a chicken came out of it that doesn't make it a chicken egg. So the first real chicken egg didn't come until after the original chicken laid it, so the chicken was first.
Fizzlesticks, go and do some reading - be it a book or just another website (but try an actual scientific one) - and you'll find the explanation you're looking for.
You're arguing whether the egg in question was a "chicken egg." Yeah I think that constitutes as trivial.
· 10 years ago
So the question now is : does "chicken egg" means "egg laid by a chicken" or "egg containing a future chicken" ?
My answer would be "Let's relax, this was most probably a joke or a troll from DeGrasse Tyson."
dat pun...
humans pls
(insert gif here)
This question has no actual answer, okay? No one is old enough to remember when, how, and why the egg or chicken came first.
Common sense people.
Random mutations can happen in a genetic code, and very often, it happens when a sperm or an egg cell is "damaged". If the mutation is viable, it gives birth to an individual that can have different characteristics than his species'. If the mutation strongly impacts the newborn being, and if he can manage to reproduce and pass his genetic code to its breed, then we call it a new species. In that way, the animal that gave birth to the first "chicken" (or chicken-like animal) was most probably not a chicken.
Still, I guess the distinction between close species is more subtle, so that the "egg and chicken" stuff is more like a joke for people who understand evolution better than we do.
My answer would be "Let's relax, this was most probably a joke or a troll from DeGrasse Tyson."