I always feel insecure about my chest. If someone(granted, they've gotta be around my age or else it's creepy) looks at them, I'm flattered. It means they think they're actually a good size. I don't care if they're gonna make a catcall or whatever. It means that they find me attractive to some degree
I'm in this weird awkward middle ground where I want to look good, but people looking still makes me a little uncomfortable because of past experiences. But it's not like I'd hold that against them, unless they kept at it after I asked them to stop.
OH FFS! please don't go around starring at women now, this is definitely not how the majority feels. Honestly if someone wrote " i like it when people hand me $10000, it means i can buy nice things" are you going to do that to..........Bloody Hell!
ive been made fun of so often that my boobs are so tiny (seriously, someone once said that they're just bug bites! lol) that whenever my boyfriend complements them im like "holy shit he found them!" lol ive learned to kind of take it as a joke, but staring can make people feel uncomfortable. catcalls are ridiculous, but a quick inconspicuous glance never hurt anyone lol ladies, im sure we've looked at a guy's tush when he's wearing baseball pants! lol but seriously, staring is not nice. if you just happen to glance at someone's boobs, ok fine whatever, its natural. staring and catcalling is wrong and also freaks me out because then i don't know if this person is going to keep following me or whatnot...but still, no staring people! just quick looks! lol :)
Guests don't think.
This just made me so happy
Or both