And both are equally shitty. They both make their money off making women feel insecure about their figure. Neither are cry ally promoting nor are they shaming a healthy body type. So what's the difference?
Idk about that, it's just wrong that we're putting it everywhere, shoving it in woman's faces saying "this is how you should look like, everything else is wrong" it makes everybody insecure. If you have that body, that's great, if you don't that's equally as great.
Can we get past magazines yet? Honestly, people be yourselves. Quit worrying about the latest trend, the latest fasion, etc. Its a losing battle no matter what. Wear what you want and look how you want fuck everyone else.
Thank you! How about we all just try to what we think is best for our OWN bodies and respect that some people are naturally different sizes whether they're leaner or curvy
tbh im sick of seeing posts like this...yes i get it, it's different oh em geez. but we need to remember something: being really overweight isn't healthy, and being really underweight isnt healthy. the end.enough about size. if someone makes fun of you because you're fat, it's because that person wants your boobs and your butt (guys can have nice butts too so don't tell me im sexist lol). if someone makes fun of you because you're skinny, it's because they feel insecure about their own weight. the media is "insecure" about how much money they have so they want to make more, so they make these products.
(Sorry, it's kinda late for me and im tired) but we're stronger than this people:)
The bodies on both covers look healthy, which is what matters most. Not everyone is going to be skinny or have curves due to body type, metabolism, etc and I wish magazines marketed healthy figures instead. I think more people read those magazines if they made the reader feel good about themselves instead of ashamed.
(Sorry, it's kinda late for me and im tired) but we're stronger than this people:)