You've got to be fucking kidding me, how dare you dress your child in the latest fashion, you've ruined her entire childhood. How will she ever be a kid dressed like that.
This post is telling people that it's not okay to dress your kids in a fashionable way- let your kids be dressed how they want to- if they want to dress in the fashionable way they can, if the want to be dressed in the way at the bottom of the post, they can- you shouldn't stop tem because you think it'll take away their childhood!
But I do think making your child pose and blow kisses doesn't let her "just be a kid." The fact that the top pics look posed make it seem like the parents/whoever's taking the pictures is more concerned with portraying a fashionable outfit than letting children be themselves. Also, fashionable clothes are really expensive and not very comfortable. Put a kid in a t-shirt, some leggings, and shoes with good sole support. Maybe a superhero cape. Done.
I have never understood why certain people are against well dressed kids... honestly is it really such an issue to society that some people choose to dress their kids in the latest fashion? I personally think that the kids on top look much better than the kids on the bottom but that is just my opinion... if it is a case of the child wanting to pick what they wear I am totally okay with that too it is just a matter of different parenting styles who are we to judge
A fashionable hat, coat and scarf?! What awful parents would do such a thing! Sunglasses and a nice outfit with sunglasses when it's sunny!? Oh dear god we're all doomed!