No no no! Never ever ever speed or do anything that puts you in harms way darlings! I don't ever want this to be anyone on this site! Stay safe! I love you all so much! You'll always be in my mind and prayers! I never ever ever want anyone else to attend their own funeral! I love you!
- They got an appointment with a friend, or so they think.
- And what if you, just like them, are being lured to your own funeral.?
- Your own funeral.
- funeral talk..."why did you have to go?...why you?"..."please don't speed again, I don't want to lose you" , etc etc
- Slow your friends down before it is too late
- Share this video with your friends
"Oh shit, I forgot."
- And what if you, just like them, are being lured to your own funeral.?
- Your own funeral.
- funeral talk..."why did you have to go?...why you?"..."please don't speed again, I don't want to lose you" , etc etc
- Slow your friends down before it is too late
- Share this video with your friends