If you were my step child, I'd teach you some fucking respect and leather the fuck out of you. Just for that smarmy attitude.
· 10 years ago
Its not really an attitude and I have respect. You know nothing about me. You think I have no respect for my step parent because of one measly comment then you sir need to be taught a lesson not me. I appreciate everything that my step parent does, I just find it funny that if they try to ground me they still have to ask my mom. Im not disrepectful so please take you idiot opinon and parentong else were.
This is why I want to kill that guy in my English class.... They are perfect dopplegangers accept the one I know is the biggest dumbass I've ever known he literally said this to me. Now I think I'll be more satisfied when I stab him in the chest.
IMO you should be nice to your step parents if they're nice to you, because they love your parent and you. Unless they're a total dick hole then just go friggen wild
I'm a step-mom. I've taken care of these kids since they were 6,4,2. I love them and they love me. They respect me as much as their mother and father. I discipline them when they do wrong and reward them when they do good. Your step-parent chose not only to love your biological parent but you as well. You have no idea how bad it hurts when your step-child treats you badly because you chose to take care of this child and deal with your partner's ex (in my case she treats me like shit and talks shit about me to the kids and all over facebook and takes advantage of my husband financially) when you didn't have to.
-From the heart of a step-mommy
-From the heart of a step-mommy