It makes me sick that there were people actually laughing when it was the man being abused. Abuse isn't funny, no matter the gender, women can be just as cruel and abusive as men
People think its funny,because men are usually viewed as scary when being abusive,but they don't realize that girls are freaking scary when being abusive,too. Especially when they have sharp nails.
people think that just because men are normally physically stronger that a woman can't abuse her partner. If a woman is the dominant one and aggressive, she's some badass example we should all follow and he's a coward. If the man is the dominant aggressive one, he's a huge prick and the woman is an innocent victim. The woman can be the prick. The guy can be the victim. If he hit back, the world would be furious at him, when a woman fights back- it's admirable- and that's what it should be for men too. I'm all for equality, but in some cases it's men over women and in some it's women over men. We can't keep pretending it doesn't go the other way.
Let's be realistic, please, nothing is going to happen about this. It's just common sense men are more physically equipped then women, and that's all people think about when they witness something like this.
Eh question? Was it in the same place, with the same people? Cause there might have been some of the same people watching who informed others that it wasn't real. Maybe they were smiling cause they knew they were on camera? I don't know, but domestic violence goes both ways and sucks no matter what.
If it was the same place they obviously did it at a different time on a different day to make sure the results of the experiment changed. If you do social experiments that require different people you'll make sure that no 2 people get tested twice meaning the people aren't the ones who saw the woman being abused they were a totally different group entirely.
No it fucking isn't, feminism USED to be about equality, but it's been taken over by fat tumblr lesbians who hate men. Its become misandry with an acceptable face.
That's not feminism that they are doing. I agree that feminism has gotten a bad reputation lately, and that is because of the women who says they are feminists, but really aren't. Because they are not fighting for equality, but for women to be superior. But YES, feminism in its true form can stop this.
What a surprise, someone speaking truth is downvoted, and people reinforcing what everyone wants to hear is upvoted.
I've been coming to FS for years now, I was here when no one commented on any posts, and when mgovia was 50% of the posts for commenting on every post. And here's my input.
None of you are special snowflakes, your attitude of "be nice to everyone, everyone is equal" will be the downfall of the next generation. There's a middle ground between being nice and encouraging every person with a mental disability who thinks they are part cat, or planetkin, or genderfluid non binary..
This place is becoming a second tumblr, where emotion reigns over reason and logic, and being "unique" is more important than having anything of substance to say. Being included in the ridiculous "super special snowflake crowd" is more important than being yourself.
You are part of the problem, you are one of the reasons that this world is so irreparably fucked.
Fuck you.
Guest I get what you're saying but if this irritates you so much why don't you leave like the many others who felt the same? Also if you were here so long why did you never make an account?
Also the first time this guest has commented was one day ago, and he has commented like 10-20 times since then, so it is highly unlikely that he was here for years.
it doesn't always keep guest records as clean as others. Since you don't log on, the only way of tracking is ip address, which is easily changed. So it won't always show every post that guest has ever made. I'm another guest thats been around for years. The reason I never made an account was a long while back there was a huge "guests suck" movement on the site where a small group of vocal "accounters" were trying to go so far as to block any and all guest actions...which just made guest comments and likes that much worse, which I found hilarious and decided I didn't want an account(not the same guest btw if it wasn't obvious)
We can see so and I was here at the end of the guest war but you have to admit there are some guests who are just assholes and trolls because they're completely anonymous and nothing can affect them so they do what they want. Now that the war is over there are less trolls and only noobs but that's the point of being a guest isn't it? You make mistakes and people correct it then you make less mistakes and maybe an account
· 10 years ago
I don't get the problem. Unless a woman went crazy and had a knife or something, a man should be able to walk away. I can actually understand a woman being afraid of a man, because some men are a lot bigger than women. (Not being sexist, it's just a fact that men are usually larger than women.)
if a man could walk away so could a woman. The disadvantage for the man is that if he cares for this woman (which he must to be with her at all) then he probably won't want to hurt her. Also, guys know that they often get turned into the villain in this story. It makes them look 'weak' if they have no control over their relationship and get pushed around- so they don't talk about it at all. I also agree with what Hotmail said. Psychological abuse, fear of judgement and fear of not recognising their own strength are the general reason for a man in an abusive relationship to be afraid.
I've been coming to FS for years now, I was here when no one commented on any posts, and when mgovia was 50% of the posts for commenting on every post. And here's my input.
None of you are special snowflakes, your attitude of "be nice to everyone, everyone is equal" will be the downfall of the next generation. There's a middle ground between being nice and encouraging every person with a mental disability who thinks they are part cat, or planetkin, or genderfluid non binary..
This place is becoming a second tumblr, where emotion reigns over reason and logic, and being "unique" is more important than having anything of substance to say. Being included in the ridiculous "super special snowflake crowd" is more important than being yourself.
You are part of the problem, you are one of the reasons that this world is so irreparably fucked.
Fuck you.