Yeah I saw everyday normal guy back in 2007 or 2008, his success on youtube got him the job on the league. One of my big regrets in life is not seeing him live in the December of 2008 (even though I've heard he's not that great live).
seriously..."The Feminists"? Sounds like a band, or a new movie. Just FYI all women who like living in a first world country are actually feminists wether they identify it or not, so stop treating feminism as a minority. We're the men who believe in and love the women in our lives, we're the women who want to live in this world as comfortably as the men, we're the children you raise and we're here to stay......
I sense from the last two comments that just because I used feminists in my title means that I think differently of feminists than "regular" people. I don't. It was just a title that seemed fit for this video that I came up with 2 seconds after I decided to post this (mainly because of all the feminist/feminazi jokes on this website recently). It's all in the comedy sense. Sorry if I offended actual feminists.
· 10 years ago
No offence. It's just that this kind of joke seems a bit cheap to me, but hey, whatever tickles your fancy.
Plus, one can be a feminist and have a sense of humor.