Same. And I think that 20 is a pretty low dating maximum for a girl, considering that girls are mentally at least 4 or 5 years "older" than guys. I'd say 22 or 23 should be enough.
I don't think that girls are mentally at all older than guys. Some guys, yes, but there are some girls who are even more immature. Girls just like to act snooty about their maturity by not laughing at dirty jokes and by being disgusted by farts. Besides, aren't you two both not yet 18? I don't think it's legal for you to date anyone older than 20, though I could be wrong.
Maybe "mentally older" wasn't the best way to put it, but girls mature faster, meaning their puberty comes a few years earlier than boys', that has been scientifically proven. As to what concerns the childish/immature acting, that's different for each individual. Some people are childish their whole life. And it's not like 12 year old boys don't try smoking to seem older.
In my country the age of consent is 15 years. So, not illegal at all, I think. I don't know, I haven't had the opportunity to test this theory yet.
Yes, they can make babies earlier. Some girls get their periods at 10 years old, that doesn't mean they should start dating then, whether they're physically mature enough or not. Physical maturity =/= mental maturity. But sure, if you want to go for a 23 year old or even a 46 year old, it's your choice.
It does not, but that doesn't mean all teenagers are childish, either. As I said, it depends on the individual. I myself wouldn't mind dating a 23 year old, provided we have a common interest. But 46? Where did that come from? That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
Of course it doesn't mean all teenagers are childish, everyone has differing levels of maturity throughout their whole lives, but girls aren't necessarily more often 5 years ahead of guys. It's just more socially acceptable for guys to date younger and girls to date older. And yes, it was an exaggeration, the point was you're more than welcome, so long as it's legal wherever you're from, to date whomever you please.
Alright then. Nice that we have that cleared. I won't go around dating some old farts, I'm pretty sure of that, but it's nice to have freedom in that choice, for whomever may desire to use this right. I don't think there are many people like that, but you never know.
Technically you can date someone older as long as you dont engage in sexual activities(oral, anal, other) and yes, I'm only 17, to whoever asked. My own personal standard, until im 20, is a year up or down
· 10 years ago
I think thats better because I have a relative, and she is engaged to a 24 y.o. while she is 16. It was a shocker to me, but it is normal for Afghans..
I think I really have a "western" way of thinking, as my mom says :P
I just think its weird when teenagers date older people. I mean, it doesn't seem as creepy later in life, because age isn't that important. But in retrospect its a lot of a bigge gap whe you're younger
Idk, my dad is almost 40 and he dates girls my age (19). There are plenty people who will date much older people. Granted, he's part of a fetish community and so everyone he knows does some crazy stuff.
Wow.... Minimum is 13.5 maximum is 12... That really doesn't work.... But I guess I AM to young to date so it doesn't really matter.... But still unless my math/calculator is wrong....
Platonic relationships are not inferior to romantic relationships. Remember that. You can always have a best friend, and they can be just as wonderful as a boy/girlfriend.
But wait. According to this equation, hypothetically a two year old can date only an 8 year old to a... -10 year old which we'll switch over to a positive and make it 10.
Let's try it out with an 8 year old.
Min: 11
Max: 2
The fact that there are exceptions to the equation prove that the equation is not reliable. Don't even get me started on 7. The Max for a 7 year old, again hypothetically, is 0.
Guys you're both missing the point. This is an equation invented by parents. It's saying you can't date until you're 14. the max and min are SUPPOSED to not make sense for lower numbers because the min would be bigger than the max therefore there is nobody older than the min but younger than the max therefore you cannot date!
In my country the age of consent is 15 years. So, not illegal at all, I think. I don't know, I haven't had the opportunity to test this theory yet.
*makes unladylike snort*
I think I really have a "western" way of thinking, as my mom says :P
(exept if she is +/- 16 and he is +/- 44, then its creepy :3)
If it offend you I'm joking
as long as there is pudding ;D
We dont have this WinnDixie though, what is it?
Let's try it out with an 8 year old.
Min: 11
Max: 2
The fact that there are exceptions to the equation prove that the equation is not reliable. Don't even get me started on 7. The Max for a 7 year old, again hypothetically, is 0.