There's Some Validity In Raising The Minimum Wage
10 years ago by 4jker · 1881 Likes · 15 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
The problem is when you force businesses to have to start paying more, they start charging more and the price of living goes up even higher. And minimum wage has not dropped. At all. Its gone up a considerable amount in most areas in the last 10 15 years. 3 or 4 dollars an hour. I'm not sure what its trying to say has dropped, if it means the amount of those workers has dropped that's actually a good thing so I'm not sure the real point. I've made minimum wage a couple times in my life including earlier this year. It is essentially impossible to live off it. But just raising it doesn't solve the problem
· 10 years ago
Thank you guest! This graphic is 100% false! 1978 minimum wage = $2.65. 2014 = $7.25. That would be a 274% increase. But thats not even the devistating part of this post. The concept of a rise in MW for the purpose of boosting the economy is hugely flawed. The idea is that min wage people would spend more, taxes would flow, companies would grow and therefore economic growth. The problem is that the $ used for such a MW increase has to come from somewhere. As the above guest pointed out much would get passed on to whatever goods/services were being produced. That would raise the cost of living and effectivly move toward canceling out the mw increase. Also many employers would have to let some people go because a wage increase is simply not in the budget. The work they used to do would get spread out among the employees still there.
· 10 years ago
Bottom line is that a desire for a government to increase Minimum wage is mostly motivated by politics, not quality of living or economic growth. Its an attempt to appeal to the masses. Dont ever forget that the goal of most poloticians is to remain in power. They will do/say almost anything to achieve said goal. Finally, so many people see huge CEO salaries/commissions as a huge injustice. Most of those people are paid that much because they're worth it. Its their ability to make/keep companies profitable that allows all of these jobs (min wage included) to exsist.
· 10 years ago
Um... Inflation, guys. That's how minimum wage fell, it fell in overall value, not in actual "amount"
· 10 years ago
Don't worry, the wealth will trickle down any minute now.
· 10 years ago
Oh? And how do you believe jobs get created? I suppose you think min wage increases should come directly out of company owners and operators pockets?
· 10 years ago
It seems pretty obvious it should come out of the CEO's pockets, yeah.
· 10 years ago
Completely false.
· 10 years ago
This post is BS.
· 10 years ago
Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a livable career wage. You aren't SUPPOSED to survive on 1 min wage job and feed your family of 10 with it. Min wage is just the lowest amount a company can legally pay somebody to do a menial job task. In other words "If I could pay you less, I would" Its meant for the High School kid working part time at McDonalds for a little extra cash or hiring some kid to sweep up a warehouse or answer a phone after school. Its not meant to be a career wage. Nobody, and I repeat that NOBODY should expect to be paid minimum wage for an extended period of time as a career. You shouldn't expect your pay raise to come from the government increasing min wage. You should expect a pay raise because you have worked somewhere a long time and done a good job. If you are working somewhere that you don't think any pay raise will ever happen....maybe you should reconsider where you are working
· 10 years ago
Because jobs fall out of the sky, and that's why everyone is employed exactly where they want.
· 10 years ago
For the medical and housing ones, you do have to take into account that the standards have raised a lot since then and you are paying for this higher quality. You also need to take inflation into account
· 10 years ago
The point of this is that with inflation, workers wages are not proportional to costs of living.
· 10 years ago
Yes I understand that part and it is awful but I'm not talking about the wages am I. I'm talking about the prices of things going up and better services
· 10 years ago
Yeah, and sort of missing the point. The cost of shelter going up nearly 400% while the minimum wage worker has dropped means that proportionally, it's not even a factor of trying to get a better apartment. A lot of people literally do not get paid enough to have a home.