The cow was suffering so the officer killed her, putting her out of her misery. The farmer is saying if he had mentioned he was in pain the officer would have shot him. So he said he was fine.
"Driving down the highway when a big semi-truck ran a stopsign" maybe it's just the hours of Phoenix Wright I've been playing but I sense an objectionable testimony.
I participate in mock trial at school and it really bugs me how the judge is allowing the witness to narrate. That's the last thing you want the witness to do if you're on cross.
I'm in mock trial at my school too! An to answer Tylerchu, narration is when they give more information than what was needed. When they add more info to your question it makes it hard to tell if they answered your question or not. Lawyers object to narration not because truth will come out but because the answer is buried in the story and just simply stated.
Narration can make it seem like the witness is avoiding the question as well and a lot of times they are by trying to explain everything.
And mock trial isn't the most popular thing at my school so it makes me happy to know its a thing in other places too.
And mock trial isn't the most popular thing at my school so it makes me happy to know its a thing in other places too.