It's stupid because no one really likes it. So you shouldn't feel stupid whether or not you pretend to love something even if you don't like it. I love you and all Emma - but you don't make sense to me....
Dis means - all of yall punk ass biyatches is stupid. Dat previous guest had a damn good point. Girl say - don't feel stupid and shit if yall don't like what other people is pretendin to love - da key word here be pretend ya feelz? Pretend as in it aint real ya feelz? That means they all don't love it hence the words girl speaks goes to whom? Dem hyprocrytes? Or dem people who aint no hyprocrytes? It dont make no sense yall. She just an actor - i don't think da shit she says is wise and shit - though her actin pretty damn fine as her face ya feellzzz
Speaking of stupid, what sort of knuckleknob poseur thinks that putting all that effort into writing "All Ganstah, y'all" -style *makes* you 'all gangstah'. I suspect that the two guests are the same, and that they are children, trying to look super-hard.
I personally think that Watson is as brilliant and wise as all that, but remember that she spent the better part of her formative years WORKING, and doing so around adults who were quite serious about what they did and who they were. That leaves a mark. In some cases, a bad one, but it would appear (judging from different interviews and post-Potter work that Radcliffe has done) that this has been a positive, educational and wisdom-engendering experience for most of the young actors in the series.
Should we start following every word they say? Hell no. But should we dismiss them as the same sort of empty-headed ass clowns that we have in Justin Bieber, Chris Brown and *any* national sports personality? I think not.
Rant off.
I personally think that Watson is as brilliant and wise as all that, but remember that she spent the better part of her formative years WORKING, and doing so around adults who were quite serious about what they did and who they were. That leaves a mark. In some cases, a bad one, but it would appear (judging from different interviews and post-Potter work that Radcliffe has done) that this has been a positive, educational and wisdom-engendering experience for most of the young actors in the series.
Should we start following every word they say? Hell no. But should we dismiss them as the same sort of empty-headed ass clowns that we have in Justin Bieber, Chris Brown and *any* national sports personality? I think not.
Rant off.